Goodbye Dunder Mifflin

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"Today, we celebrate the end of Jim and Y/N Halpert's time at Dunder Mifflin." Michael nodded, looking at us as we all grasped plastic cups of champagne. Tears pricked my eyes as I smiled at Jim.

"Jim." Michael spoke.

"Yes." Jim nodded. Michael took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"You joined us twelve years ago. You were just some spotty kid, straight out of college, who took the first job he saw. But you know what? I'm so glad you did. Because you have blossomed right in front of my eyes. I have watched you go from some kid who didn't care about this job, to an amazing husband, an amazing father, an amazing paper salesman." Michael nodded. Jim nodded and smiled, a tear leaving his eye.

"And now you've started your own business. I feel like my kid has grown up." He spoke, a tear leaving his own eye. I swallowed my tears as I looked at Jim.

"Thank you, Michael, for everything. You're the reason I'm the salesman I am today." Jim nodded, a tear leaving his eye. Michael gave him a thanking smile before looking at me.

"This is gonna be even harder." He chuckled, making everyone smile.

"That's what she said." I smiled, making Michael laugh.

"Y/N, you joined us only six years ago, but it feels like you've been part of our family forever." He started, making me smile and bite my lip as tears left my eyes.

"You have developed into an amazing saleswoman. When you first started, I watched you struggle to make a sale every day. Now, it's a bad day for you if you make twenty sales in a day. Much like Jim, I've watched you develop into an incredible wife, mom, and just a great person overall. And I wouldn't trade that for the world." He smiled.

"Thank you. I've loved being your employee for every second." I nodded. Michael nodded and smiled at me. I gulped as I looked at Jim, his glassy eyes matching my own.

"I guess this is it, everyone." He nodded, tears leaving his eyes.

"Good luck, guys. Don't forget to call." Pam spoke, tears also in her eyes.

"We'll call every day." I smiled, making her laugh.

"So long, guys. So long, Dunder Mifflin." Jim smiled as we started to leave.

"Bye guys. We love you." Phyllis smiled.

"We love you so much." Kevin agreed.

"Keep in touch." Oscar spoke.

"Bye guys." Andy smiled.

"Bye everyone." I smiled as we walked out.

Jim and I walked to the car, hands joined.

"That's the hardest thing I've ever had to do." Jim nodded, his face stained with tears.

"Agreed, and I've given birth twice." I smiled, making him laugh as we climbed into the car. We shut the doors and just sat there for a moment. Jim looked at me.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this. I've worked there for twelve years. I thought I'd die in that place, yet I'm leaving it." He scoffed. I sighed and nodded, placing my hand over his.

"I know it's scary. But we're about to start this amazing new chapter of our lives, in our dream city, with our dream jobs, with the people we love. With our family. It's going to be amazing." I smiled, tears rolling down my cheeks. Jim returned it and nodded before leaning forward and kissing me. I returned it, holding his face. He pulled away and smiled as he started the car.

"Let's do this." He nodded. I returned it and smiled as I looked at the building behind us.

"Goodbye Dunder Mifflin. Thank you for everything." I choked.

"Goodbye Dunder Mifflin, Scranton. We love you." Jim smiled as he started to drive. I smiled and took his hand as he drove through the parking lot, and through the gates for the last time. I looked behind us once more and choked as the building got smaller and smaller as we drove further away, away from the building we'd grown to love, for the last time.

"Goodbye Dunder Mifflin." I whispered.

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