Breaking point

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I stood in the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee.

"Are you serious?" I looked up to see Angela coming through the door.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe you're drinking caffeine. How about I save you some effort and just punch you in the stomach instead." She scoffed. My eyes widened.

"Angela, this is the first coffee I've had in three months. Not to mention I'm eight months pregnant so nothing is gonna affect the baby now." I spoke.

"I should call social services on you." She replied, sitting down at the table.

"Angela, it's one coffee." I scoffed.

"One too many when you're pregnant." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes and took my mug before walking back through to the office.

"One cup of coffee is bad, one cup of coffee is gonna kill your baby, you're a bad mom for drinking coffee." I mocked under my breath as I sat back at my desk. I sighed and smiled as my phone started to buzz with Jim's number. I picked it up.

"Hey." I chuckled.

"Hey babe. How you doing?" Jim asked.

"Considering Angela has just accused me of trying to kill our baby with caffeine, I'm great." I nodded, making Jim laugh.

"I mean, I doubt it'd do much now since you're about to pop." He spoke.

"Exactly what I said." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I have a little surprise for you, that might cheer you up." Jim spoke.

"Hit me." I nodded, resting my hand against my bump.

"So, as you know, I'm kinda job searching for you down here, and I found out that the local elementary school has an opening for a first-grade teacher so I got you an interview." He admitted. My eyes widened slightly.

"Jim, I've told you once in the time we've been together that my dream job is an elementary school teacher, and that was on our first date. I can't believe you remembered that." I smiled to myself.

"Why wouldn't I? I know everything about my wife, including the dream career that she never got to pursue." He chuckled. I returned it as tears pricked my eyes.

"That sounds amazing. I'll do it." I choked. There was a pause.

"Are you crying, babe?" he asked.

"A little bit." I nodded to myself.

"Why?" he chuckled.

"Because it's such a small detail and you could have easily forgotten it but you didn't and it just means a lot to your very pregnant and over-emotional wife." I smiled, making Jim laugh.

"Okay. Well, the interview is next week, you think you could do that?" he asked.

"I'll ask my mom to look after Cece." I nodded.

"Awesome. I'll talk to you later. I love you." He spoke softly.

"I love you too, Jim." I smiled to myself, a tear leaving my eye as I hung up.

I walked into the elementary school and rested my hands on my bump as I looked around.

"Mrs Halpert?" I turned around and smiled as a woman walked towards me.

"That's me." I chuckled.

"Nice to meet you. Wow, your husband didn't mention that you're pregnant." She chuckled as she shook my hand.

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