The break-up

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Jim gulped as he let him and Pam into their house before shutting the door. He sighed, knowing what he was about to face. He turned around and looked at Pam. She stared at him before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Time for the truth." She nodded. He sighed and shook his head, throwing his hands down.

"I don't know what to say-."

"Don't lie to me, Jim." She snapped. He gulped.

"You've lied to me for this long, I want the damn truth." She nodded. Jim looked at her. She sighed and looked down.

"Are you in love with her?" she asked quietly. Jim gulped harshly, knowing that what he was about to say would change his life.

"Yes." He admitted, tears pooling in his eyes. Pam nodded, a tear leaving her eye.

"I knew it. I knew it from day one. You looked at her differently from all other new employees. For the love of god, you looked at her with more love than you ever looked at me with." She choked.

"Pam, I didn't mean for this to happen. I never meant to hurt you, which is why I haven't pursued it, I would never do that to you-."

"Well now you're free to pursue her, because I won't stand in the way of true love." She nodded. Jim gulped and returned the nod as he looked down.

"I'm sorry. I really am." He mumbled.

"I'll stay at my mom's until I find a new place. I'll get my stuff tomorrow." She muttered before grabbing her purse and walking to the door before opening it.

"Pam, we can still be friends, right? I don't want to lose you as a friend too." Jim choked. Pam sighed.

"See you tomorrow, Jim." She mumbled before shutting the door behind her. Tears spilled out of Jim's eyes as he sunk down the door and to the floor. God, he hoped he had made the right decision. He had, of course he had. He was in love with Y/N, he was in love with her. Jim couldn't help but think of her in that moment.

Jim fiddled with his fingers and looked at the floor. He took a deep breath and looked up to the camera.

"Pam and I broke up, last night. After the Dundies. Turns out she's known for months that I have feelings for someone else, that in love...with someone else." He nodded before looking into the camera.

"Screw it, I'm not with Pam anymore, I can say it." He gulped. He took a deep breath.

"I am in love with Y/N."

Y/N's P.O.V

I sat at my desk, writing down the numbers I needed to call for my sales. Suddenly, the phone at reception started to ring. My eyebrows furrowed as it didn't stop. I looked over my shoulder to see that Pam wasn't there.

"Jim?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he mumbled, looking up at me.

"Where's Pam?" I asked, pointing to the reception. His eyes wavered and he looked at the desk.

"I-erm, I don't know." He cleared his throat before looking down again. My eyebrows furrowed as I stood up and headed to the kitchen. My eyes widened as Pam sat at the table, crying and sniffing.

"Oh my god, Pam, are you okay?" I asked, rushing to her and sitting down.

"Erm, Jim and I broke up last night." She admitted. My eyes widened.

"What?" I scoffed. She nodded and looked at me, giving me a small smile.

"I know. I mean, it'd been a long time coming but we spent so long trying to be with each other, I never thought it'd actually happen. I don't know, you trick yourself into thinking you're going to work through it. I guess you don't work through it sometimes." She sniffed. I sighed and nodded as I took her hand.

"I'm so sorry, Pam." I sighed.

"So am I. But it's okay. I'm okay." She nodded. I returned it and gave her a small smile before standing up and leaving the kitchen. I sighed as I walked towards Jim's desk. I tapped his shoulder as I passed, making him look at me.

"What's up?" he asked, spinning his chair to look at me.

"Walk with me." I nodded. His eyebrows furrowed as he stood up and walked with me. We walked out of the office and into the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Jim asked as he put his hands into his trouser pockets and leant against the wall.

"You and Pam broke up?" I asked. He sighed and rested his head against the wall.

"She told you?" he asked.

"Yeah, and as much as I'm upset for you, I'm kinda pissed I didn't hear it from you." I admitted. Jim bit his lip and nodded as he stood up straight.

"I'm sorry. I'm just still trying to wrap my head around it." He mumbled.

"I get that. So, um, what happened?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me.

"Technically, she broke up with me but she did it because I'm, um..." he gulped and looked down.

"You what, Jim?" I asked. He sighed and looked at me again.

"I'm in love with someone else." He nodded. My eyebrows raised slightly.

"Oh. Okay. Who is this new girl?" I asked. His eyes wavered and he looked down.

"That doesn't matter, I just..." he shook his head.

"Okay, well, I'm sorry about you and Pam. I'm still here for both of you." I reassured.

"Thanks, Y/N. I really appreciate that." He spoke, giving me a small smile. I returned it and gave his hand a small squeeze before walking away.

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