Baby Halpert no.2

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I sat at my desk, discreetly watching Jim. I smiled slightly to myself as he stood up and headed for the kitchen. I quickly stood up and rushed to the reception desk.

"Pam, I need your help." I spoke.

"Ooh, what with?" she smiled.

"First, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell Jim." I spoke.

"Okay, sure." She nodded. I bit my lip.

"I'm pregnant." I smiled. Her eyes widened.

"Aww Y/N! That's huge, congratulations." She squealed.

"Thanks. But, with Cece, Jim and I literally just went to the hospital and found out, and since this is probably our last kid, I want to make telling him special." I nodded.

"And you need my help planning it?" she smiled.

"Exactly." I smirked.

"What do you need from me?" Pam asked.

"Here's what I'm thinking." I smiled before starting to explain.

Jim and I walked into the office and smiled at Pam.

"Morning guys." Pam smiled at us.

"Hey." Jim sighed.

"Tough commute?" she asked.

"Nah, just Cece's daycare being awkward." I chuckled as Jim and I walked away from reception. I subtly winked at Pam, making her smirk as I walked to my desk.

"Today is the day that I tell Jim I'm pregnant again." I smiled into the camera.

"I can't wait." Pam squealed.

"With Cece, we just found out and since this is probably going to be our last child, I wanted to tell Jim in a really nice way. And who better to help me plan it than my best friend." I smiled at Pam, making her return it.

"It's gonna be awesome. We've got balloons, we've got streamers, we've even got a cake that says "guess who's gonna be a daddy again". He's gonna love it." Pam nodded.

"I can't wait to tell him." I smiled, making her return it.

"Delivery for Y/N Halpert." The man spoke as he walked in. I looked up and breathed a sigh of relief as Jim wasn't at his desk.

"That's me." I smiled as I stood up and signed for it.

"Thanks." I spoke as he left. I opened the box and smiled at the cake.

"How does it look?" Pam asked as she walked around to look at the cake.

"Perfect." I nodded, tears pricking my eyes as I smiled at her.

"What's going on?" I turned around and gulped as Jim walked into the office.

"I have something to tell you." I nodded, fiddling with my wedding and engagement rings as I started to walk to him.

"Okay." He nodded, looking at me.

"So-." I gasped as I tripped and fell.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Jim gulped as he rushed to me and crouched down beside me.

"I don't know. I tripped over that stupid wire that Dwight installed." I spoke, cupping my ankle.

"Dammit, Dwight, we told you that wire was a bad idea." Jim spat.

"Don't blame me, you all know it's there, it's a freaking red wire running across the floor, it's not exactly easy to miss." Dwight scoffed.

"No, Jim's right, it was only a matter of time until someone got hurt, especially since all the women in this office wear heels." Oscar nodded.

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