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Jim's P.O.V

Jim looked into the camera and tried to hide his smile.

"So, the date with Y/N went so, so well, and as of last night, we are officially together." He nodded, a wide smile on his lips.

"I've waited a year and a half to be with Y/N and it's finally happened. But, we've agreed to keep it on the down low for now, because Pam and I have only been broken up for a month and we don't wanna hurt her, not to mention we'll get endless comments, we'll have to officially declare it to HR, and Michael will wanna get involved once he finds out so...yeah. There are about a million reasons not to tell people until it gets more serious." He chuckled and nodded.

"But I couldn't be happier. I'm in love with her, and I'm finally with her. It's perfect." He admitted, smiling into the camera.

"What do you mean you caught me going into her house last night?" he chuckled. He shook his head.

"No. I'm not saying anything. A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. Especially when it comes to the woman he's in love with." He smiled before looking down in an attempt to hide his blush.

Y/N's P.O.V

I stood in the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee. I smiled to myself as I felt two arms curl around my waist.

"Hey." Jim spoke, kissing my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"What happened to being subtle?" I chuckled.

"Everyone else is working. No one will see us, and so what if they do." He shrugged. I turned around in his arms.

"You've changed your tune since last night." I chuckled. Jim shrugged and smiled at me, his hands against my lower back.

"I just...I don't know. I woke up next to you this morning and it made me realise that I don't care who knows. We know this isn't just a fling, so why don't we just tell people?" he asked, shaking his head. I bit my lip and smiled.

"Are you sure? Once we tell people, we can't un-tell them." I chuckled.

"What can I say, I'm in love with you. And I don't care who knows." He admitted, looking into my eyes. I smiled before leaning up and kissing him. Jim returned it, gently holding my face and making me stand on my toes. I broke the kiss and smiled.

"Come on then. Let's do this." I nodded. He smiled and kissed my head before taking my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen.

"Um, can we have everyone's attention please?" Jim asked, making everyone look at us. I gulped as we looked at each other.

"So, as of last night, Y/N and I are a couple, and we just thought we'd let you guys know, as we'll have to declare it to HR so it's better if you hear it from us." Jim nodded.

"Pam must not like that, huh." Michael smiled, looking between us and Pam. Our smiles dipped.

"Thanks for that, Michael." Jim sighed.

"Not like my opinion matters, since it isn't my relationship but it's fine by me." Pam smiled.

"You have no idea how much that means to us." I sighed in relief, making her smile widen.

"So, yeah, we just wanted to tell you guys, that's about it." Jim nodded.

"So, did you guys hook up after the date?" Michael smiled.

"That's our business, not yours." Jim nodded.

"Well, I think it is a bit my business but okay. Y/N, if you ever find yourself not meeting Jim's needs and want advice, I'm here-."

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