Sam Jones

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I sighed as I walked into the office and put my stuff down.

"Morning, Y/N." Jim smiled.

"Hey." I chuckled.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a tough commute." I nodded.

"Well, I have something that'll cheer you up." Jim smiled. I returned it.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. He nodded as Dwight walked in.

"Morning, my subordinates." Dwight spoke as he sat down at his desk.

"Morning, buddy." Jim smiled as he picked up his desk phone and dialled a number.

"I'm not your buddy." Dwight sneered.

"You got that right." Jim chuckled, holding his phone to his ear. Suddenly, Dwight's phone started to ring. He picked it up, making a string pull and making everything on his desk fall apart. My eyes widened and I put my hands over my mouth.

"Jim!" Dwight yelled.

"What?" Jim shrugged.

"That was awesome!" I laughed.

"Right?" Jim smiled.

"Oh my god, you're so infuriating!" Dwight yelled before running off. I laughed as I looked at Jim.

"You were right. That cheered me up." I smiled, making him return it.

I stood in the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee.

"Y/N-." my eyes widened as someone put their hands on my shoulders.

"Oh my god!" I screamed as I whipped around.

"Don't scream, what's wrong with you?" Dwight scoffed. I gulped as I held a hand to my chest.

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! You don't sneak up on women like that!" I exclaimed.

"Why not?" Dwight asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"What do you need, Dwight?" I asked. He looked around before looking back at me.

"I am sick of Jim pranking me. He's been doing it long before you got here, and you've been here for two years." He sighed.

"Okay, where do I come into this?" I asked.

"I want to form an alliance. Us against Jim. To put a stop to his pranks, once and for all because I know that you also secretly hate them." He nodded. I sighed and nodded as I looked down.

"You got me. I mean, the guy's my best friend but I've told him to stop so many times." I lied.

"So, you in?" he asked.

"Absolutely I am." I nodded. He smiled before extending his hand. I returned the smile and tried to refrain from laughing as I shook his hand. I left the kitchen and put a hand over my mouth, stopping myself from laughing as I walked to Jim's desk.

"Jim, can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure." He nodded as he stood up and started to walk towards the kitchen. I looked at Dwight and winked at him as I passed, making him nod and salute at me. I stifled my laughter as Jim led us into the kitchen and shut the door.

"What's up?" he asked.

"You'll never guess what happened. Dwight asked me to form an alliance against you and your pranks." I smiled. Jim's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, you have to do it, this is our way in!" he laughed.

"I'm way ahead of you, Halpert, I already said yes." I nodded.

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