Chapter 1: It's just...

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A/N: 08.04.19


"Killian? Killian Henderson?" called Mr. Kowski, our History teacher. We all turned our heads towards the empty seat at the back of the room. "Absent again, what a surpise."

Killian came to class maybe twice a week, three times at most, but even when he came to school, he'd either mess around with his friends or fall asleep.

He had the reputation of being the school's bad boy, slash, play boy, dating countless girls, throwing endless parties, always doing daring things and just not giving a single frick about anything other than having fun.

You know those cliché bad boys that you see in movies and read in chick flicks? Yeah, well that was Killian. The biggest cliché you'll find. Still don't get the idea? Well, I'll give you a few adjectives and your typical description of a bad boy. Let's see, it'd probably be something like:

Killian Henderson, the mysterious boy with jet black hair, beautiful emerald eyes and a jawline that could cut wood. Perfectly symmetrical face and nose, nice thick brows and just a total hunk from head to toe. Acts like a total jerk, rebellious and misunderstood, probably has family problems which is why he acts so bad, just waiting for an innocent little girl to swoop into his life and make him better, to teach him how to love again and make him become "good".

I snorted.

"Carter Jones, present as always," smiled Mr. Kowski, giving me small nod.

Right, I know what you're thinking and before you get ahead of yourselves, let me stop you right there. You guys are probably thinking "oh, there's the innocent little goodie-two-shoes who's going to change the devious bad boy".



Nada possible.

That's probably not how you say "no way" in Spanish, but you get the point.

It was true that I was a good student, hardworking and studious, but there was no way that Killian and I would ever cross paths. First of all because he never came to class and second of all because I only came to class.

And for those of you who are thinking that this is how I'm slowly starting to fall in love with the mysterious boy, try again.

I was Carter Jones, the good boy who stayed away from the bad. That was the way things were, and that was the way things were going to be.


"Carter!" exclaimed a voice. Eshe Silvane, my best friend, came running down the hall and slammed into me, cutting my breath.

"Eshe!" I winced, suffocating from her tight hug.

"Yes Carty?" she looked up, her long eyes lashes batting over her dark, brown eyes that brought out her skin. A wide smile danced upon her rosy lips as she brushed away some of her natural curls from her face.

"No running in the halls, you know that it's against the rules," I snapped. Eshe's mouth dropped wide open as she let me go, taking a few steps back.

"Really Carty?" she scoffed in disbelief. "I come running here with all my love and affection for you and all you have to say is," she paused, putting her hands on her hips as she tempted to mimic me in an exaggerated voice. "No running in the halls, it's against the god damn rules!"

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't swear," I mumbled. Her mouth widened before putting one hand on my shoulder.

"You're lucky that I love you," she murmured weakly. I just smiled, following her down the halls as we talked about how hard yesterday's English test was when we both knew that we were going to get an A.

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