Chapter 14: My life

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A/N: 21.04.19

Issa mood

Also, I'm planning on posting videos on YouTube. Any ideas of what I should post? I'm open to content ideas :)

YouTube channel: @letsgohomehidee


I walked up to the porch and stopped at the door, taking in a deep breath and knocked. It opened and standing in front of me was a beautiful, young lady with light brown hair and bright green eyes, ones that looked just like Killian's.

Was she his sister?

"Hello, I'm um, I'm looking for Killian Henderson," I stuttered nervously, tightly squeezing my hands. I then realised that I forgot to introduce myself and hastily added, "I'm Carter Jones, a classmate of his."

"I'm Killian's mom," she smiled warmly, extending her hand which I shook. Nope, she was his mom. She then turned her head over her shoulder. "Killian, your classmate is here to see you!"

"I'll be down in a sec," I heard him answer. Once I heard his voice, I felt relieved that I didn't get the wrong house, but still felt a little anxious being left alone with his mom.

"Please come in," she said. I nodded, stepping into his house that felt welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. It was the complete opposite to what I imagined. In fact, I imagined Killian living alone in either a small messy apartment (for some reason, I was so persuaded that he had a bad relationship with his parents) or a huge mansion like those handsome guys in movies. But instead, his house was actually quite normal and had a cozy vibe to it.

Hung upon the walls were photographs of Killian and his parents. The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns that reminded me of coffee beans, and there were a few pots of plants that welcomed the guests.

What caught my eye the most were the row of beautiful paintings that led down the hallway, all the way to the living room. Beautiful portraits of unknown faces, breathtaking landscapes, some were just shapes but with beautiful splashes of colors.

"Those were all painted by Killian," smiled Mrs. Henderson, snapping me out of my trance. She pointed at a photo of a young boy who I quickly recognized. Killian looked like he was maybe 10 years-old, holding a paint brush in one hand and a wooden palette in the other with the widest smile on his face. "Killian always loved art ever since he was a kid. He made a complete mess in the house when he painted though," she sighed heavily.

"I didn't know that he liked art," I murmured in a small voice. Now that I think about it, I actually didn't know much about Killian.

"Is he still going around acting like the cool kid?" she asked with a raised brow.

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