Chapter 13: Tutorial on how to forget your crush

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A/N: 20.04.19

I got so hangry that I decided to finish editing this chapter to distract myself, so here you go. Thank my mood for this early update (I was planning on posting it tomorrow).

But my food is still in the oven, someone please help me.

Enjoy this chapter and please leave a vote to support your hungry author 😭🆙️


It was Saturday and I was in my room, studying as I usual. My mom knocked on the door and came in, looking over my shoulder to make sure that I had a book in front of me and not my phone.

"Hey sweety," she chirped. "Don't overwork yourself, okay?"

But I knew that seeing me study made her happy so I forced a small smile.

"Yeah," I murmured.

Mom told me that she and dad had to go work and that dinner was in the fridge, giving me a kiss on the head before leaving. As soon as she closed the door, my smile vanished and I hunched my back, resting my cheek against my notebook.

"Don't you ever get tired of being good?"

"I do," I murmured to myself, answering the question that Killian asked but that I never answered. I looked at my hand and frowned as I curled and uncurled my fingers, feeling like something was missing. The memory of holding Killian's hand suddenly popped up in my mind and I felt a genuine smile grow on my face as I remembered how rough but warm they felt.

I immediately straightened my back and shook my head.

Wait, what am I doing?! Eshe specifically told me not to fall for him!

I slapped my hands against my cheeks and took in a deep breath, trying to think of something other than Killian, but his wide smile and perfect set of teeth kept appearing in my head. So I took out my laptop and started to type into the search bar: Ways to get forget your crush.

I clicked the first website which was "wikihow" and raised my glasses up the nose of my bridge, leaning towards the screen as I started to carefully read some of the methods it offered.

1. Let your emotions out. If you want to forget your crush, then the first thing you have to do is to admit that you have strong feelings for this person. If you're in denial about how much your crush means to you, then you'll just keep all of those intense feelings inside instead of letting them go.

I leaned over and grabbed Kiwi, sitting him on my desk and putting my hands on his fluffy cheeks.

I took in a deep breath. "I like Killian," I blurted aloud. I blinked a few times, feeling the heat slowly rise up my neck. Even if I was alone, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and quickly sat Kiwi back on my bed, facing him towards the wall so that he wouldn't see my red face.

Okay, what's next?

2. Forget your anger and bitterness. You may have many reasons for feeling angry or bitter.

It was true that I've been feeling rather bitter deep down, maybe because I was always getting jealous, but it was something that I couldn't control, so I decided to skip this step.

3. Focus on your crush's worst qualities. Stop thinking about how good-looking, funny, or sweet your crush is whenever they pop in your mind. Instead, focus on all of the bad parts about your crush, from their weird fashion sense or their ability to be mean to perfect strangers.

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