Chapter 16: Do you like me?

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A/N: 23.04.19

I wanted to anounce that I have offically made a Patreon account for those of you who would like to support me there!

Donating even just 1 dollar would really mean a lot to me! For those of you who do subscribe, or follow, or whatever word you use for that platform (shhh, I'm still new), you will also get a few goodies such as earlier access to chapters of "Y.O.L.O". All of the details can be found in the link in my profile bio or you can simply click this link:

Oh and sorry for the late update ;-;


Snap me in- What?!

I could feel the warmth of his hands travel back down my waist, but as he started to get lower, Eshe's words echoed inside my mind.

"You really think that Killian has feelings for you? He's just treating you like he treats everyone else, once he gets what he wants and sleeps with you, he'll just find some to replace you with.

My eyes widened and I quickly yanked away, staggering a few steps back. The sudden movement seemed to have snapped Killian back to his senses and he retrieved his hand.


"I-I-I'll wait for you downstairs," I blurted, scurrying past him but flinching as he called my name again.

I stopped in my steps but refused to turn around.

"You uh, you might want to put your shirt on before you leave."

I squeezed my eyes shut and pursed my lips. "Right," I mumbled sheepishly, forgetting that my entire torso was still bare. I put my shirt on and buttoned it all the way up as I scurried down the stairs, waiting for him at the front door. My heart was still beating like crazy and my mind was still in a frenzy.

Calm down, he was just admiring my body, that's all he was doing.

I nodded to myself.

Yeah, he was just admiring my body in a very tense and sensual way, don't look into it too much.

A few minutes later, Killian came down and I automatically turned the other way, facing the wall in the nost unnatural and awkward way possible.

"Jones, you know that just because you can't see me doesn't mean that I can't see you," he chuckled.

"I'm admiring the wall," I answered flatly.

"Is this about what happened-"

"The party!" I blurted. "W-W-We should get ready to go to the party!"

I spun around but didn't realise how close Killian was standing to me and was now face-to-face with his broad chest. The memory of his strong pecs flashed through my mind and my eyes widened and I quickly back towards the wall and just stood there.

There was a small pause and I was starting to wonder if I was acting too weird. But how could I not? He just told me how frail I was and how he could snap be in half, which for some reason, sounded slightly scary but sexy at the same time.
I was starting to discover sides of me that I didn't even know existed.

"Right, we should get going," he grunted, sounding slightly distant as he opened the door and left. I took in a deep breath, slapping myself in the cheek to get myself together before wincing in pain.

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