Chapter 11: Hold my hand little teapot

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A/N: 17.04.19

As some of you may have noticed, my daily updating spree has come to an end 😭

Enjoy this chapter and please leave a vote xx ♡


My heart started to race inside my chest as I frantically looked for the tree that Pumpkin was sitting on but stopped in frustration, feeling like I've been running in circles.

They all look the same!

I let out a long sigh. "Maybe I should-"
But right as I was about to turn around, something shiny reflected the light of my flashlight and my eyes widened as I quickly ran twards it. I picked up Killian's packet of cigarettes and brushed the dirt off, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Finally," I murmured to myself before putting it back in to my jacket pocket, zipping it closed this time.
But as I started to walk back, the blood from my face slowly drained down my neck.

I was so busy trying to look for his packet of cigarettes that I didn't even realise that I was running around in the dark with nothing but a flashlight in my hand. My stomach started to curl as I heard the leaves above rustle about, the wind making a ghost-like noise that sent chills down my spine.

I quickly started to look for my phone but remembered how Anna was the one who had it and let out a miserable groan.

"It's okay Carter, everything's going to be okay," I whispered to myself. "Just take a deep breath and go back the way you came from, you're going to be-"

And then my flashlight died, consuming me in the darkness.
I tried to switch it back on but the batteries died.

"Okay," I squeaked, wrapping my arms around my chest as I hesitantly walked forward, squinting my eyes to see what was in front. "Just keep walking Carter, just go straight forward."

Intimidated by all the small noises around me, I decided to hum a small melody in hopes to calm myself down, but for some reason, the only song that came to mind was:

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout," I stuttered. "H-H-Here is my handle, here is my spout," but then I forgot the rest of the lyrics so decided to improvise. "Something, something, something, lalala-"

Something rustled in the bushes behind, making me yelp and crouch down.

I put my arms over my head, hugging my knees against my chest with my eyes closed tightly shut. My entire body shook in fright and my heart was racing in my chest, feeling like it'd jump out any second now.

I really should have thought things through before running here by myself.

My body stiffened as I heard a twig crack, the sound of rustling started to get louder and louder, and something was telling me that this time, it wasn't a lollipop wrapper.

Something touched my knee and I let out loud cry, jumping back and falling on my bum. My eyes were still shut closed, too scared to open them.

"Don't hurt me," I squeaked in a trembling voice. Could it be a bear?

"I'm not going to hurt you," he replied. My brows furrowed. Wait, since when do bear's talk?

I finally opened my watery eyes and realised that standing in front of me wasn't a bear, but Killian. He looked at me in confusion and worry, but before he could say anything, I quickly jumped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck and clung on to him. My clammy hands clutched onto his shirt as I dug my face against his shoulder, my entire body still shaking in fear. The warmth of his body and the faint smell of cologne washed me with relief, but I could still feel my heart race at a tremendous speed as I took quick, small breaths.

Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy)✔Where stories live. Discover now