Chapter 6: Playing dirty

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A/N: 13.04.19

I've been thinking about a group name for my readers. What do you guys think of "homies"? I know it's kind of cringey but my username is @letsgoHOMEhidee and home makes me think of family and you guys are like my virtual family. Ugh idk, your thoughts? Or any other suggestions?

And please don't forget to leave a vote if you liked this chapter xx ♡


We've been walking for 15 minutes after we left school and I couldn't stand not knowing where we were heading.

"Where are we going?" I asked again, by body still itching with curiosity.

"You know that you don't have to whisper anymore," he chuckled.

Which was when I realised how quiet my voice was. "Oh right."

"We're almost there, don't worry."

He headed to the mall, my brows furrowing as he walked towards the place with bright lights and loud machines.

"We aren't actually going to the arcade, are we?" I frowned. My parents always taught me that games were a waste of time and space. On top of that, I didn't have very fond memories of this place, the last time I was here was when I was beat up by Luke and his friends.

"You look so pale," he said, giving me a small nudge. "Don't you like arcades?"

"I'd much rather spend my time reading books and doing useful things," I replied bluntly.

He made a face. "What are you, an old man?"

My face flushed red as I stared at the floor. "N-N-No, I'm just saying that games are bad for your eyesight and brain cells. Besides-"

"Right, lecture me later grandpa, let's have some fun," he grinned, entering the arcade without even letting me finish. Now standing alone, I looked around, scared tht Mr. Yon might pop out of nowhere and start hitting me his magazine to shoo away my sins. I shook my head at the disturbing thought, quickly joining my partner in crime.

"I don't have any money," I murmured, gently tugging on his shirt to grab his attention.

"Don't worry Jones, I got you," he said, but before I could protest, he told me to wait here, already at the front desk to pay for our coins while flirting with the pretty lady who sold them.


I pursed my lips, studying Killian from head to toe. He was tall, probably twice my height, with big broad shoulders, a nice firm butt and strong legs. You could tell that he worked out and had a nice body beneath his clothes, earning the glances and giggles from some nearby girls.

I felt kind of jealous, looking down at my scrawny self and wondering if I should also start working out too

I let out a small sigh.

Who am I kidding, I can't even do a single push-up!

"Are you checking yourself out?" snorted Killian who came back with a bowl of silver coins while slipping his phone into the back of his pant pocket.

I ignored his question. "Did you get the girl's number?"

"What do you take me for?" Killian gasped in shock. He then smiled with a wink. "Of course I did."

"Right," I grumbled, shifting my gaze to the side.

"Come on, we'll start with something easy," he said, leading me to the basketball machines and handing me some coins. I thanked him but stood there, trying to figure out where the coins were supposed to go. Killian noticed how lost I was and laughed, our fingers brushing against one another as he took the coins from the palm of my hands, inserting them in the slot of the machine for me.

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