Chapter 17: Get your hoe hands off of him

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A/N: 25.04.19

I love how everyone is confused about Killian's feelings :): Honestly, I kinda am too 😂


When we arrived at the neighborhood where the house was being held, you could immediately hear the blasting music from afar and see a bunch of teenagers in front of a huge house,  jumping up and down to the beat like huddled up Tic-Tacs shaking in a box. Killian parked right in front and we got out of his car.

"Loosen up Jones, you look like you're constipated," he chuckled, locking the doors.

I gulped, already feeling nauseous by the air that was tainted with the scent of cigarettes and alcohol. Some strangers who looked too old to be teenagers wobbled past me, puking in the bushed behind us which made me feel sick.

"I um, I actually don't think that this is a good idea," I murmured weakly, trying my best not to reach out and hold Killian for support.

"This stuff happens all the time," he reassured, giving me a gentle nudge which almost made my wobbly legs trip. He quicly caught me and realised how worried I actually was and took my face in his hands, raising my gaze towards his. "Hey, you look pale," he frowned. "Don't worry too much, nothing bad will happen."

"That's exactly what someone says before something bad happens," I frowned, gently pushing him away. I told myself during the rest of the car ride that I needed to stop liking Killian because of the prickly pain in my chest, and staying away from his touch was one of the first steps.

"I'm here, remember?" He said in such a sweet voice that my heart immediately started to melt.

No, no, no! Carter, this isn't how it's supposed to go!

"Do you really feel uncomfortable going in?" he asked and I gave him a small nod.

"Alright, I'll take you back home," he said. My eyes widened and I looked back towards him, his soft green eyes not looking angry or upset at all. In fact, they were more clouded with worry than anything, and it was making me even more confused.

"But what about the dare?"

"Ah, screw it," he shrugged. "It's not like I can't find something else to tease you with."

I pursed my lips, feeling grateful for how understanding Killian was, but at the same time, I felt a bit guilty. He invited me to his house, did my hair and even let me borrow his favorite shirt, but before even going in the house I was already chickening out.

I glanced towards the open door where I could see endless people dancing and making-out, shivering at just the sight.

"It's fine Jones, don't force yourself," murmured Killian, but as he was about to turn around to open the car door, we heard someone scream his name.

"KILLIAAAAAAAN!" Hollered a girl who pounced on top of him, clinging onto his back while attacking his cheek with kisses. My mouth hung wide open, not sure if this was some kind of assault or just a friendly gesture.

"Killian," gushed the brown haired girl with freckles traveling across her face. Her thick lashes coated with mascara fluttered above her bright blue eyes. "You actually came!"

"Jenna, get off me, you're heavy!" Growled Killian hoarsely, finally escaping her grasp and wiping his cheek with a scowl. Jenna slapped him on the arm, making him yelp in pain.

"You do not tell a danty, fancy lady that she is heavy!" she huffed. Killian started looking around, putting his hand over his forehead as he squinted his eyes.

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