Chapter 10: I feel ugly

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A/N: 15.04.19

☝️☝️☝️☝️The picture above is honestly what Carter would look like, a cute lil bean (the title of this chapter and the pic are not linked, the title has to do with the context that is down below 👇👇👇 Just in case any of you misunderstood anything)

Double update because it's raining and I'm in a good mood


Killian and I made it to the park at the same time. He saw me and was probably going to say his usual "Hey Jones" in that husky voice of his and blinding smile, but I swiftly avoided eye contact and turned towards Eshe's older sister who was sitting on a bench.

"Hey, Anna!" I called, jogging up to her. She looked up and as soon as she saw me, she let out a small sigh of relief.

"Carter, I'm so glad that you're-" she paused as she turned to my side, her jaw dropping in shock as she saw Killian. "Well hellooo there hubba bubba."

She started to pat down and quickly fixing her hair as Killian now stood beside me.

"I brought Killian along, he's um, he's my classmate," I said. "I thought that maybe he could help us find Pumpkin."

"Hi," greeted Killian with a warm smile as he extended his hand. "I probably have class with your sister, but I wouldn't know since I never come."

She giggled, probably thinking that it was just a joke.

"Hi," sh said dreamily, batting her lashes like there was something inside of them as she shook his hand. "I'm Anna, Eshe's hot, single sister."

I tried not to groan while Killian just chuckled.

"I think we should start looking for Pumpkin," I said, clearing my voice. I took out my phone and turned it on flashlight mode.

"Right," she grunted, quickly standing up as if she only just remembered the whole reason why we were here. "Oh and here Carter, I brought you a flashlight, it should be brighter than the light on your phone."

"It's okay, you should use it," I said.

Anna rolled her eyes. "You're afraid of the dark so you should be the one the have it " she insisted. My eyes widened, face turning bright red as I glanced towards Killian who smiled.

Yeah, he definitely heard.

"You're afraid of the dark?" He mused, making me shrink beside him as I stared at my feet.

"I-I-I am not!" I huffed in denial, my voice slightly cracking from the lie. Why did Anna have to expose me like that?! "I just prefer it when the sun is out and when I can actually see what's in front of me."

Anna leaned towards Killian and cupped her hand over her mouth, but he had to slightly bend so that she could reach his ear.

"He's a total scaredy cat," she whispered, making me turn even redder. "And don't even get me started with scary movies, he's so terrified of them that he'll stick to you like glue and scream like a girl. Trust me, I know."

"A-A-Anna!" I cried in disbelief, looking at her and trying send her a desperate signals to stop.

"I'll keep in that mind," murmured Killian, definitely enjoying this.

Maybe I made a mistake bringing him here. Wait, I didn't even invite him, he came here on his own accord!

"Pumpkin," I grumbled hoarsely, wanting to get this over with so that I could go back home and sleep. "Let's hurry up and find Pumpkin."

Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy)✔Where stories live. Discover now