Chapter 21: Sleep with me

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A/N: 06.05.19

I changed the cover of Y.O.L.O, what do you guys think? I think I like the old one a bit better, the bloodshot eye was nice. Maybe I should change it back hmmm...

And drum rolls please- The chapter you have all been waiting for (or not).


Killian blinked a few times, almost as if he couldn't believe his ears.
But he realised that I wasn't joking and his face slowy hardened, his jaw tightening. He opened his mouth and I stiffened, anxiously waiting to hear his answer, but he pursed his lips and shifted his gaze to the side.

At that very moment, I felt like my heart had stopped. Even if it was theoretically impossible, it was the only way I could describe the quenching, yet, hollow feeling inside my chest. A few seconds later, I could feel my heart beating again. But now, it was pounding inside me to the point where it hurt, everything around me warbling as if I was drowning.

The silence was enough to give me an answer to my question and I felt a cold chuckle escape my dry throat, feeling stupid for actually having hope. My cheeks involuntarily flushed hot and my stomach was heavy, embarassed for having asked such a ridiculous question.

Killian and I were two completely different people. We had different ways of perceiving the world, different values and morals, a completely incompatible way of living.

But for some reason, my body and mind refused to give up. Maybe it was the alcohol that caused me to function in an incomprehensible way, maybe it was the drug that suddenly gave me the boost of courage that I never had, but I stood up on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his thick neck and leaning against his broad chest.

Killian narrowed his eyes but he didn't push me away. "Jones-"

I stopped his lips with mine, my body shrilling with both fear and excitement. Wait, was this considered sexual assault? Was I harassing someone for having kissed them without their consent?

I squeezed my eyes shut and felt Killian gently pull away, his chuckle making me open my eyes again.

"You're supposed to move your lips, silly," he whispered huskily, which made me realise that all I was doing was pushing my lips against his as if I were kissing a wall. He wrapped his arms around my thin waist, locking his hands behind my back as he lowered his head to my height, our lips meeting once more. He opened my mouth with his, venturing inside me with his tongue. My eyes widened at the new feeling, having absolutely no idea what I was doing with my mouth, but Killian guided me with his tongue and swirled it around mine.

Within seconds, my entire being was consumed by his scent, his touch, his taste, his presence, his everything. The warmth of his kisses spread to my entire body, sparking a tingling sensation inside of me and making my lower member throb even more.

My knees started to buckle, clutching onto him for support. I could feel his hands explore down my spine, reaching my butt and giving it a tight squeeze.

A groan escaped my lips and I pulled away, shocked that I made such a sexual noise. I gulped, trying to catch my breath while leaning my forehead against his chest. What was going on? I thought that Killian didn't like me in that way so why...

"Do you want to do it?" he asked, breaking the sudden silence.


Killian must have noticed the confusion written on my face while I tried to decrypt the vast meaning behind the word "it", and let out a small chuckle.

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