Chapter 7: Bad boy Jones

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A/N: 13.04.19

Hey my Homies, we got a quick update! Your author just finished exams and has a 2 week vacation, whoop whoop

I finished writing and finding pictures for the cast (gosh, there are so many beautiful people on this Earth) but I'll be publishing it when all the important characters have been introduced.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this very fluffy chapter. Please leave a vote and comment if you did!

P.S: Some of you may know this already, but I use emojis instead of asterisks in my books (I had a crown one for "The Class Prince") but couldn't find one that fit "Y.O.LO." So I've decided to use cigarettes because I feel like it kind of fits?

Oh, but don't smoke kids.


We spent the entire afternoon playing in the arcade. I don't think that I've ever laughed or had so much in my life, even almost forgetting that we were supposed to be in detention right now.

"We still have two coins left," noted Killian. "What do you want to do before we leave?"

My eyes automatically trailed towards a specific machine that I really wanted to try but was too shy to ask.

"You wanna try the claw game?" he asked, following my gaze. I quickly looked away.

"Um, no, we can do something else," I stuttered, mentally scolding myself for being so transparent. Killian didn't seem to be the type of guy who'd play these type or machines. "W-W-We can go play the zombie apocalypse game if you want."

Even if I was absolutely terrified of zombies.

"No way, the claw machines are my favorite," he grinned. He was probably just saying that for my sake, which was actually kind of nice. "Come on, let's go."

I bit my lower lip, trying to hide my excitement as we went to the machines, my eyes lighting up as I saw all the toys and stuffed animals inside.

He nodded towards the one with the stuffed teddy bears.

"You were looking at this one, right?"

"Um, yeah," I admitted sheepishly. "But this stuff is wack, you never actually get the prizes inside."

But Killian was already inserting a coin into the slot, patting the machine with a smile. "Give it a go Jones, even if they weren't wack, you'd probably fail to get one anyway."

I flinched, narrowing my eyes on him as he smiled brightly.

"I'll show you," I grumbled, pulling up my sleeves with a sudden flare of determination.

I took the stick and started to move the claw towards the brown teddy bear, my lips tightly pursed as I tried to concentrate. I pressed the red button and anxiously watched the metal claw scoop down, picking up the stuffed animal by the ear. But as it was being pulled, the teddy bear fell before it reached the hole and I let out a sigh of defeat.

Why did I actually think that I'd get it?

"Here, let me try," suggested Killian, inserting our last coin. My hand was still on the stick but before I could pull away, he put his big hand over it and started to move the stick. I was about to say something but didn't want to make him lose his focus, so decided to wait.

I glanced towards his face and smiled at how stern he looked.

I guess he was kind of good looking.

Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy)✔Where stories live. Discover now