Chapter 9: Straightforwardness and honesty

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A/N: 15.04.19

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As I continued to vent to Kiwi, my phone suddenly started to ring. I looked at the screen and pursed my lips. It was from the same number as yesterday. I hesitated at first, but quickly grabbed Kiwi and pulled the blankets over the both of us and finally picked up.

"H-H-Hello?" I squeaked, feeling my heart suddenly beat faster. Why did I feel so nervous?

"Finally," I heard Killian sigh in relief. "I actually thought that you gave me a fake phone number or something."

"I wouldn't," I murmured in a small voice. "I told you that I don't use my phone a lot."

"And I told you that I'd change that, didn't I?" He chuckled.

I tightened my arms around Kiwi, somewhat feeling happy to hear his voice again. It was different from when Alix called.

"Why didn't you come to detention?"

"My best friend got into some trouble and I had to help him out the other day and yesterday, well, I had some drama to deal with but it's fine."

"Oh," I murmured. His answers were rather vague but I didn't want to pry too much since he probably had his reasons. "Is there anything else that you wanted to tell me?"

"No, not really, I just wanted to check up on you."

"Alright then, I'll hang up now."

"W-W-Wait," he quickly said, followed by a small chuckle "Honestly Jones, you can be so blunt sometimes," he murmured, sounding slightly frustrated. Blunt? "Since we're already on the phone, we might as well talk."

I paused. I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk for a bit.

"Hey Killian," I murmured. "I um, I have a question."

Even if he wasn't here, I could still imagine a playful smile grow on his face and his bright green eyes look into mine. "Shoot."

"Are you gay?" I asked. I think I heard him choke before clearing his voice.


Maybe that was too straightforward?  "I... I was just wondering if you liked guys."

"Why? Have you fallen for me?" He asked in a smug voice that made me feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"N-N-No!" I stuttered. "Never mind, forget that I asked."

"You can't just say "never mind" after asking me such a scandalous question," he chuckled.

I was hesitant at first. "I heard a rumour saying that you were sucking a boy in the boy's lockers and I was just wondering."

There was a small pause and I pursed my lips, wondering if he was mad. Was my question too personal? Too "blunt"? 

I flinched as he laughed.

"Are people still making up stuff like that?" he snorted. "Jones, those are just rumours. If everything people at school said about me were true, then I'd have two dicks and four nipples," he said. "You shouldn't believe in what everyone says so easily."

"Right, sorry," I murmured sheepishly.

"And as if I'd suck off another guy's dick," he snorted as if it was the most unbelievable thing that he's heard. Right, so I guess that he wasn't- "He'd be the one sucking me."

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