Chapter 8: Therapy with Kiwi

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A/N: 14.04.19

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The next day, I came to school with terrible bags under my eyes. I could hardly sleep last night, not after having committed such a big crime yesterday. But I didn't know if I was more guilty about the fact that I ditched detention or that I didn't actually regret making that decision.

I had so much fun, just laughing and playing around without having to stress about my tests, my grades, my parents...

And I couldn't forget Killian's beautiful smile and laugh that stuck in my head all night long. It was contagious, and I didn't mean it in a bad way.

I'm not making fun of you, I just can't believe how cute you are.

I let out a groan as his voice echoed in my mind for the hundredth time, banging my forehead against the table. Some students in the library hushed me and I looked up, sheepishly whispering "sorry", forgetting that I was in a library in the first place. Eshe looked towards me, raising her brow.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I murmured. I also felt guilty for not having told her about the bet nor the fact that I ditched.

"You've been nibbling on your lower lip and staring at a blank piece of paper for the past thirty minutes, so obviously something's on your mind," she frowned. "Are you still bummed about getting detention?"

"I um, yeah," I lied.

Her face suddenly hardened. "Is Killian bullying you? He's bullying you, isn't he?"

"N-N-No, he's not, he really isn't," I quickly stuttered. I then changed the subject, "Can you help me finish this equation?"

Eshe pursed her lips but decided to let it slide, scooting her chair closer to mine as she leaned in to look at my notes.

I wonder why my heart isn't beating as quickly as it did when Killian was this close to me. Maybe I was just nervous since I didn't know him that well. Yeah, that's probably why.


"Mhm?" I said, quickly snapping out of my thoughts.

"Carter," she smiled. But within a second, that smiled vanished as she pulled out the packet of cigarettes that I forgot to take out from my pocket. "WHAT IS THIS?!"

"Shhhh," hushed the other students.

"Oh don't you hush me," she snapped back, making them scowl.

"H-H-How did you know?" I stuttered in shock.

"I felt a lump in your jacket pocket, how could I not!"

"I can explain," I said, but Eshe was seconds away from bursting into flames.


I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the library before we got kicked out. The furious look in her eyes made my body stiffen in fright.

"Eshe, it's not what you think," I murmured in a small voice.

"Oh really? Because it sure does look like what I think it looks like," she hissed.

"I don't smoke," I argued. Well, apart from inhaling into a cigarette once, but that was it! "They aren't mine."

"Oh gee, then I guess it's the tooth fairy's," she snorted. "Carter-"

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