Chapter 19: Got the moves like Jagger

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A/N: 30.04.19


"Drink, drink, drink, drink!" chanted the crowd. I picked up my fifth cup of beer and chugged it down, scrunching my face at the bitter taste before raising the cup over my head to make sure that everything was drunk. I felt nothing but a few driplets and the crowd around me started to cheer, jumping up and getting all hyped.

"Whoohoo!" I hooted, giggling like there was no tomorrow while struggling to keep my balance. Jenna handed me another ping pong ball and I threw it into the cup on the other side. Despite seeing double and hardly being able to stand straight, the ball miraculously went in, winning the match for Jenna and I who immediately started to scream in excitement. We hugged and high-fived each other, while almost tripping over.

I felt good. My nose has got used to the harsh smell of alchohol that now almost smelled sweet to me and every part of me felt warm and fuzzy. My brain was sending signals and telling my body what to do, but whether my body was listening it it or not was a completely different story. I could feel it moving, doing what it wants while swaying side-to-side. I had absolutely no idea on how to describe the state I was in. Drunk would be a good term, but more than that, I felt... Free.

After finishing a second round of beer pong (which Jenna and I lost), she and I went to the living room with the rest of the drunk kids and started dancing to the horrible music. Well, she was dancing. Me on the other hand? I was basically moving my body like one of those wacky waving inflatable tube men that you'd see at gas stations, flailing all over the place. People were filming me on their phones and laughing at me, but I didn't care. I normally would, heck, in my normal state, I would have already dug myself a hole to hide in! But right now, at this very moment, I just didn't give a single dingle.

"Go Carter, go Carter, go, go, go Carter!" everyone changed, circling around me. I started busting out my cool moves, grunting as I did the running man, pushing my arms forward as I raised one knee up and then the other. Everyone started to cheer even louder as I started doing the sprinkler. Some other people joined me and the next thing you know, everyone in the living room started busting out moves from the 80's and 90's. Jenna was laughing so hard that she toppled onto the ground, pounding her fist on the rug below while gasping for air.

After some hardcore dancing, I was starting to lose my breath and decided to take a rest on the couch. I might have jumped around too much because I was starting to feel nauseous and my head started to hurt, everything around me spinning as if I were on a merry-go-round. I clutched my waist and let out a miserable groan, tilting my head back in hopes that I wouldn't puke.

It was only then that I was seriously starting to regret drinking so much, my senses slowly coming back to. Jenna plopped down beside of me, her weight making me bounce up and down, worsening my urge to hurl.

I sucked in a sharp breath. "Hey Jenna, what time is it?" I croaked. She took out her phone and checked the time.

"It's still early, it's 11:50 p.m," she answered and my eyes widened, reality slapping me hard in the face as I awoke from my drunk state. It was way past my curfew and parents were going to be home in 10 minutes! I needed to find Killian and get back home unless I wanted to be grounded for the rest of my life.

"I need to go," I said, quickly standing up, but losing my balance from the sudden movement. I sat back down, clutching onto the couch. "I need to find Killian," I swallowed thickly, but my body was still refusing to do as I asked.

"Hey, are you okay Carter?" asked Jenna worriedly. "You look really pale."

I shook my head, feeling my eyes swivel towards the back of my head in a distressed sense of a headache. I blinked hard a few times, but everything around me kept changing figures each time I opened my eyes. I felt Jenna pull me towards her, pushing something into my mouth and telling me to swallow. Hoping that it was a medicine for my headache, I did as I was told.

"What was that?" I winced, feeling the dry pill travel down my chest. 

"Just wait a few minutes, it'll make you feel good," she said with a smile. I was too drunk to really worry, but Killian trusted her, so I should too. Speaking of which, where was he? He was supposed to find me "a few minutes" after he left with Luke but during the entire party, but I haven't seen him once.

"I need to find him," I murmured to myself, but my body was doing the exact opposite of what I wanted. I leaned against Jenna, resting my head on her shoulder while blurs of blue and purple started to taint my vision.

"Jenna," I groaned. "Jenna, I-"

"Shhh," she hushed. "Close your eyes for a few seconds and just relax, I'm sure he'll be here soon," she cooed, gently carressing my hair, the touch of her hand feeling so good. I felt like I was being hypnotized, my body slowly starting to feel weird.

It felt different from when I drank alchohol - a warm, tingling sensation spread throughout my body, making me squirm about in my seat. It was almost as if I was being tickled by invisible hands. Not only that, but I could also feel my blood circulate quickly down towards my waist, making me shift side-to-side as my lower member slowly started to swell.

"Do you feel it?" Purred Jenna as I pulled away from her. I didn't know what she meant by "feel it", but I could feel my boxer's getting uncomfortably tight down below. She looked down and I quickly tried to pull down my shirt to hide it, my cheeks flushing bright red. "Don't worry, it's normal," she said smoothly, putting her hand on my leg and skimming up my thigh. I let out a loud gasp, one that sounded way too sexual to my liking.

What was going on? Why was my body reacting this way and why couldn't I control myself?

I could feel blood stimulate down below, every touch feeling so sensual to the point were it made my heartbeat rise. And for some reason, instead of seeing Jenna, I couldn't help but imagine Killian in her place - his warm hands that would touch my skin, his dashing smile that would release butterflies inside my stomach, the mischievous look he'd always have in his deep, green eyes.

I bit my lower lip, everything below my waist starting to throb as my imagination started to wild.

No Carter, snap out of it!

I pulled away from her and tried to get up, but my legs were too wobbly to support my weight and I ended up landing back on my butt. And that's when I really started to panic.

My brain was screaming orders inside my mind, warning me of how dangerous of a situation I was in considering that I had no control over my body and was completely drunk. I wanted to stand up and leave, but my legs just wouldn't listen, and it didn't seem like Jenna was planning on letting me go any time soon.
Even worse, I was having dirty thoughts about Killian when this clearly wasn't the time to be fantasizing about him!

"Jenna, please stop," I begged as she continued to touch me in ways that made me very uncomfortable. I felt so frustrated and helpless at the same time, tears starting to fill my eyes as my jumbled up emotions started to become overwhelming. "I don't like this, c-c-can you please stop?"

"Come on, just enjoy it," she purred, giving my thigh a tight squeeze, another gasp escaping my throat as a tingling sensation jarred through me.

She sat me on her lap, putting her arms over my shoulder as she leaned in to kiss me. And for some crazy reason, I wanted to kiss her back.
My brain and mind didn't, but my body did. And since my body seemed to have more dominance at this very moment, I could my lips start to part as our face got closer and closer.

It felt disgusting, but I decided that if I was going to be taken advantage of, I might as well make the experience less worse by imagining that I was kissing Killian instead. Her bright red lips were only inches away and I closed my eyes, but before our lips touched, someone violently yanked me to my feet, making me stagger back. My back hit something hard and I would have tripped if that person didn't hold onto my arm.
I turned around, slowly looking up at the shadow that dawned over me, my eyes widening as I saw Killian.

And boy, did he look angry.


A/N: Important lesson: Girls aren't the only ones who get taken advantage of, it happns to guys too.
I'm sorry for doing this to you Carter my lil bean, I feel so bad 😭

Question: Do you guys think that it was irresponsible of Killian for having left Carter alone? Or do you think that it was never his responsibility to watch over him? Or not his fault?

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