Chapter 23: Casper the friendly ghost

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A/N: 10.05.19


After my afternoon classes, I went to the library to burrow a book.
I turned around the corner to look at the next bookshelf to see if I could find a chemistry book. While I looked around, I gently slid the brim of my thumb over my lips, remembering how soft Killian's were and how warm his tongue was. He smelt good too - his cologne wasn't too strong or too faint, and he tasted quite minty from what I can remember.

My hands tightened around the straps of my bag as heat rised up my collarbone. I probably tasted like alcohol that night, after all the shots I took. But even if I felt embarrassed, I didn't want to stop thinking about my first kiss. And for some reason, I didn't regret doing it, nor did I regret with whom.

Way to go Carter, you really are doing a great job on forgetting your crush.

I let out a long sigh, telling myself that I'd let myself treasure the memory for just another day. Today was Friday, which meant that it was the last day Killian and I had detention together. And just like I promised myself, I'd completely forget about my silly little crush on the unattainable boy that would break my frail heart.

I scanned the shelf from bottom to top. There was a chemistry book at the shelf very top, but because of my short height, I had to stand on my tiptoes.
A small wince escaped my lips as I reached out for it, my fingers only touching the bottom corner.

Just a little bit more, just a little bit more...

But someone pulled the book out for me. The first person that popped up in my mind was Killian, but then I remembered that his this place was probably foreign territory to him.
I turned around, slightly disappointed that my deduction was right.

A student probably a head taller than me gave me a warm smile as he handed me the chemistry book.

"Thank you," I murmured, taking it with two hands.

"I saw that you were struggling and thought that I might help," he chuckled quietly. "Carter, right?"

I gave him a small nod, confused. "How do you know my name?"

"I was at Joey's party Saturday night and saw you bust some moves. You were pretty lit," he said, doing the sprinkler. My cheeks flushed red and I quickly grabbed his arms and lowered them to his sides, turning my head side-to-side in hopes that no one saw.

"P-P-Please don't," I stuttered. The kiss with Killian was the only thing I wanted to remember from that night. Everything else needed to be shredded and burned.

The boy chuckled, looking down at my hands that were still around his wrists. I quickly let go and took a step back, bumping into the self behind like the clumsy person that I was with a small "ouch", which for some reason, caused him to laugh again. But not in a mean way.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself.  My name is Casper."

Like Casper the friendly ghost.

He raised a brow. "Uh yeah, like him."

I mentally groaned, realizing that I've spoken my thoughts out loud again.

"Sorry," I murmured sheepishly. "It's just that I really liked watching that show when I was a kid, I used to dress up like him for Halloween and-"

I stopped and bit my tongue. Why was I exposing myself like this?!
I knew that I was never good at small-talk and was an awkward bean around people I didn't know, but this was just too much.

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