Chapter 12: How do I reverse this feeling?

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A/N: 19.04.19

Would you guys like to read a chapter in Killian's pov? I think that it'd be fun since Killian's personality and the way he thinks is so different. Thoughts?


I let out a small groan as I felt the warm ray of sun shine over my face, pulling the covers over my head to hide myself in the shade.


My eyes flung open as I sat up, looking towards my clock.


I quickly jumped out of bed, brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face before changing into my clothes. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, skipping breakfast since I only had 15 minutes to get to school.

Last night I came home past curfew and was so tired that I probably forgot to set my alarm. When I got back, my parents were mad, telling me how irresponsible I was, but they went easy on me considering that I went out for Anna's sake. They always had a soft spot for Eshe's family.

I grabbed my bike from the shed and hopped on, about to pedal away, but froze. I quickly threw my bike on the grass before scurrying back to my house, grabbing my bright red helmet and adjusted it carefully on my head. I gave it one good pat before running back out and picking up my bike.

When I arrived at school, I still had two minutes left before class started. I ran in to the building, panting like I was each breath would be my last. My heart pounded against my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I climbed up the stairs, losing all senses in my thights and legs. I smiled in relief as I saw the door to my classroom, but my eyes widened as I saw Killian calmly walking down the other side of the hall. He looked just as surprised as I was, but probably for a different reason.

"Hey Jones," he chuckled with raised brows. "Trying to run a marathon?"

"What... Are... You... Doing... Here?" I panted, trying to catch my breath.

He shrugged. "I always come to class."

"Right," I snorted at the irony. He nodded towards the classroom door.

"So you wanna go in or...?"

"Wouldn't it be weird if we go in at the same time?" I frowned. Killian raised his arm before checking his watch.

"It's 7:59," he noted, making my eyes widened. Without wasting another second, I turned the door knob and opened the door. Everyone turned towards us, furrowing their brows as they saw both Killian and I together.

"I-I-I'm sorry for being late," I stuttered. "I mean we," I quickly corrected.

"It's fine Carter, I was just about to start roll call," said Mr. Peten, eyes still on Killian as if he couldn't believe that he was actually here. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his voice. "Um, well, you boys can take your seats."

Everyone stared at us as we walked in, shocked by the unexpected duo. I sat down beside Eshe while Killian went to the very back, greeting some friends before sitting down.

"Why did you come to school with Killian?" asked Eshe.

"It was just a coincidence," I whispered.

She pursed her lips and looked like she wanted to say something else but simply put her cheek against her fist and turned the other way. If I wasn't so exhausted and out of breath, I would have tried and ask her what was wrong, but my throat felt so dry that it was hard to even swallow my own saliva. And so I decided to wait until the end of class. 

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