Chapter 27: The last dare

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A/N: 30.05.19

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This is the last chapter...

Ya'll were wondering if Killian's feelings were true. Well, here's the truth. You're going to be shookedth


My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids as I blinked. Everything was blurry at first, but I gave myself a few seconds to grasp reality. It was still dark, the moon light casting a faint beam into my room and tainting the atmosphere in a boring, montonous color of monochrome. No color, no warmth - just plain shades of black and white. Blinking a few times, I wondered if I was still dreaming.

But my memory slowly recollected and everything started to process in my mind. After Killian's confession, I asked him if he wanted to come to my house so that we could talk a little bit longer. So after washing up the make-up and and changing back into my normal clothes, he climbed up the tree beside my house and snuck in through the windows so that my parents wouldn't see him. When he was in my room, one thing led to another and we ended up...

I felt heat rise up my collarbone.

I was in my room, wearing my pyjamas and tucked under my blankets. Killian must have cleaned me up after we did that and dressed me when I fell asleep. My eyes widened.


I immediately sat up, a sharp pain jolting up my waist and making me wince. I clutched my abdomen, my bottom still throbbing from last night. Then again, after having it done it that many times, I shouldn't be surprised that I felt this sore. I now finally understood what Jenna meant when she said that Killian was a "beast under the sheets".

But what hurt the most was the aching pain in my chest when I realised that Killian was no longer beside me. I frantically looked around, the blood from my face draining down my neck and my heart beating rapidly against my chest, my mind buzzing in panic and worry.

"Killian?" I croaked in a raspy voice, never feeling so lost and alone in my own room.

But he was gone.

Killian was really gone.

My breath started to quicken as the constricted feeling started to grow as endless questions popping inside my mind.

Where was he? Did he really leave after we...? Without telling me or saying goodbye? Was his confession just an act to get me to sleep with him? Was it all just a lie?

I hugged my knees tightly against my chest, drowning in my thoughts as I remembered how everybody warned me about Killian.

"Toxic people like him are just a bad influence, you'll just end up getting hurt(...) If he's acting all friendly, it's probably just to take advantage of you since you're nice. Too nice. I mean, what other reason would someone as popular as him try to talk to you?"

I felt the weight over my shoulders grow as Eshe's voice echoed inside my mind, soon replaced by Alix's voice.

"Yeah, the popular guys who do things for their own amusement, not really caring if they hurt others as long as they get a good laugh. Who knows what evil things he'll try to do to you."

I clenched my hands, biting on my lower lip in pain.

"The way he treats us at first just makes us feel special, you know? As if he actually cares, like he genuinely has feelings for us. Holding hand, caressing your cheek, throwing in a nice compliment every now just to tease you (...) He's that unattainable person that you can't help but fall in love with and be attracted to, but no matter how badly you want him, you just can't. He's a care-free guy, doesn't listen to anyone and gives zero shit about what people say. He simply does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and no one can tie him down," said Jenna.

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