Chapter 7

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~Brooke's POV~

This Matt fellow brought me to a row of identical trailers. The only thing that was different about them was the names that were displayed on the doors. I read the names as we passed them. Karen, Arthur, and a few others. We finally came to one that had Matts name on it. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. He unlocked his door and walked inside. I'm sure he wanted me to follow him inside, but something in my mind was blocking my legs from working.

Matt turned around and noticed that I hadn't moved. He spoke in a sweet, calm voice.

"You're welcome inside, you know. That's why I brought you here. Well, aside from the reason of getting you away from the crowded set."

I hesitated to speak, but I was finally able to reply.


"Yes. We were filming the first episode of the new season." Wow. He's an actor. An actual actor who was famous and probably had a bunch of fans, and he was talking to me, Brooke Alexandra Miller, the girl that was beaten senseless by her father since she was a child and almost got raped when she arrived in Cardiff. What show was he filming for anyway? Probably not anything I've heard of.

I must've stood there with a blank look, because Matt had a concerned look on his face. I felt my face getting hot with embarrassment. Getting used to talking to people was going to be tough.

"Well, aren't you coming in?"

"S-sure." I stuttered as I walked through the door.

I walked through the door, my legs slightly shaking. Matt shut the door after I made it inside. The inside was pretty neatly organised. There was a couch, a TV, and a coffee table. Above the couch there were numerous pictures with Matt and other people I didn't recognize. One of them was with two others, a pretty red-headed girl who was nearly as tall as him, and a bloke with a rather large nose. Another picture was of him and an older couple that I just assumed were his parents. He had his arm around a dark haired girl that could be anything from his sister to his girlfriend.

"Would you like a cup of tea, love?"

"N-no thank you."

Matt nodded and walked over to the couch and sat down. He patted the empty space next to him and gestured me to sit. I stumbled over and gently sat down next to him, my legs still slightly shaky from before. We were both silent for a moment. I looked at his face. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green that I could only describe as being bright and illuminated, but also dark and mysterious. It wasn't like any colour I've ever seen. Not that I'd seen that many people's eyes anyways, but still.

After 10 seconds of awkward silence, Matt finally spoke.

"Since you know my name, what's might yours be?"

I stuttered. "B-Brooke. Brooke Miller."

"Ahh Brooke. Such a lovely name."

"Thank you." I spoke shyly, but without stuttering.

"I know this seems quick, but I must know. What were you running from? When you ran into me on set? You had a frightened look on your face."

"I wasn't scared. I was just...casually running. From nothing." Dammit Brooke, what kind of lie was that? That's worse than that rubbish you came up with at the bus station. Matt had a worried look on his face. He knew. Oh great. Here it comes.

I positioned myself away from him, expecting the first blow to my body, the same thing I did when my father caught me lying to him. I began to fiercely sweat, and I tightly shut my eyes, preparing myself for the pain. I waited and waited, but nothing came. Instead a sweet and serene voice spoke. Matt.

"Is something wrong, love? Are you okay? Did I say something?" He tried to touch my shoulder, but I flinched away in fear. Concern filled his eyes.

"Brooke, what happened? I know you weren't just running from nothing. Something or someone was chasing you. And it looked you were lost. With nowhere to go. You were just running off." How could he do this? It's like I'm an open book to him. It's as if he's been following me around. Like he knew my life story. My mum's death. My dad's abuse. My first actual encounter in Cardiff. What's the point? He was gonna find out my life story sooner or later. If he didn't already know it that is. So I started from the beginning.

I told him everything. The loving family I was blessed with when I was born, a mum and dad who loved me more than anything. How I was their world. Then I spoke of the car accident, my mother's death, and my father's constant abuse from the age of four until the age of 23. It was a miracle I was still alive after all these years.

I was so deep in my story I didn't realize I had tears forming in my eyes. I was so close to crying. Something I hadn't done for as long as I could remember. I wanted to let the tears fall, but it was like something was preventing them from doing so. Something about that was more painful than any punishment my father put me through. It really hurt. A lot.

My lip began to quiver and my voice became hoarse, but the tears still wouldn't fall. I was actually becoming angry. Matt grabbed both of my hands, which were folded in my lap. They were gentle and somewhat soft. From that moment I completely trusted him. He wasn't like all of the other men I've met in my life. He was different.

Matt kept one of his hands on mine, and slid his other arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug. I buried my face into his shoulder as he rubbed small circles into my back. Before I knew it I felt his clothing getting wet from my tears. I no longer felt pain. I felt...relieved. Like I had lost so much weight I could fly away. It was great.

I cried on his shoulder for what seemed like hours, even though realistically it was like 15 minutes. The tears became dry and the weeping stopped. There was an awkward silence, then Matt spoke up.

"That was a sad story, Brooke. I've never heard anything like it. It's a miracle you're still alive after all those years." Creepy. He's taking the words out of my mouth again. How does he do that?

" was pretty rough. But I believe my mum is watching over me in Heaven. It's honestly the only thing that keeps me going. If it wasn't for my faith I probably would've killed myself by now." The words rolled off my tongue with ease. It was easier to talk to Matt than it was to talk to anyone else. As I said before, it's not like I had contact with many people anyways, but still.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't do that. You're a remarkable girl. I hope you never listen to those vile things your dad said to you, because all of it is complete rubbish. I know it."

I felt my face become hot. Pretty sure I was blushing. Oh this man is amazingly sweet. I think him and I will get along just fine. Without saying anything else, he pulled me closer and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. There was then a knock on the door.

Matt got up to open the door. Outside stood the same redhead and large nose bloke that I seen in the pictures earlier. The redhead spoke in a Scottish accent.

"Heyyy. Steven was pretty upset that you just left set like that. He says we're on a strict schedule to get all of this episode filmed."

"Well I had more important business to attend to, Karen." Ah. That must be the Karen that has the trailer next door to Matt.

"I know, but you know how Steven is." She giggled. The bloke next to her let out a smile. Karen then turned her head to me.

"So what's your name?" She said with a smile.


"Hello Brooke. I'm Karen, and this here is Arthur. Nice to meet you." Arthur gave me a small wave as she pointed at him.

Matt, Karen, and Arthur sat on the couch next to me as they started chatting about work. I hesitated but I finally worked up the courage to join the conversation.

"What are you guys filming for?"

Karen gave me a confused look. Like she was dumbfounded that I didn't know.

"Well...ever heard of Doctor Who?"

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