Chapter 10

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~Brooke's POV~

I woke up and it was really bright in the room. What? It was never this bright in my room. Why was it so bright? Then I realized. Right. I ran into an actor last night and he was sweet enough to let me crash here. I don't want to admit it, but I'm glad he did. Who knows what other kind of trouble I would've gotten myself into.

I looked at the clock. It was around 10:56. Wow I slept late. Not surprising with all that running last night. I was going for the remote when I found a handwritten note from Matt:



In case you can't remember where I am, I'm at work. Help yourself to food and tea in the kitchen. I'll be back at around 12:00 to check up on you. If you need anything, you can walk to the building across from the trailers and there will be someone to help you.

-Matt x


Matt also left his cell phone number on the bottom of the note in case I needed to call him. My heart pounded and I felt my stomach drop. I felt loved for the first time in years. I mean yes I felt bad for everything I've put him through, but he's been a true blessing to me. He gave me hope.

I suddenly felt my stomach starting to hurt. I haven't eaten if forever, so I was starving. Well Matt said I could help myself to food, so I guess I'll do that. I got up off the sofa and walked to the kitchen. There wasn't much of anything I wanted or could make myself, so I just grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and a bottle of water.

I made my way back to the sofa and turned the TV on and took a bite out of the apple. To my surprise the show that came on was none other than Doctor Who. I continued to eat the apple and drink my water, not taking my eyes off the TV.

A box that's bigger on the inside and can travel anywhere in time and space? The idea in itself sounds kind of stupid, but this show is AMAZING. I must say David Tennant should be proud of his work. He really put his heart into this role. Wow I sound like a TV critic. I wonder if that's a job? Don't think so. Sounds too good to be true. I watched until Matt walked through the door at 12:00 like he said he would.

"Hey Brooke. Doing well?"

"Yeah. I was just watching Doctor Who. I really like it." He looked at what I was watching.

"Ah yes. I'm privileged to be David's successor. He was truly brilliant. A very nice guy, too." I shot him a confused look.

"You know him?"

"Of course I do. I met him on set of his last episode and my first 'technical' episode." Matt air quoted the word technical.

" exactly does this work? Changing actors for the lead role? Sounds kind of strange to me." I probably sound so ignorant to him right now.

"Well, he has a way of cheating death. Instead of dying he changes bodies. It's a way of renewing himself. I don't want to spoil to much for you. You just need to watch earlier episodes. Perhaps from Chris's era, or maybe even the first doctor from 1963."

I was wide eyed. "You're telling me this show's been on since 1963?"

"Yeah. It's a legend, honestly. TV programme's that last that long are rare, and I'm more than privileged to play the lead role." Matt paused for a moment before speaking again. "Hey. Do you want to come back to set with me? You already know Karen and Arthur, and I'm sure the rest of the crew would love to meet you." I was ecstatic at his offer, but then realized I didn't have proper clothing, and the clothing I came in was dirty and wrinkly.

"I would love too, really, but I don't have proper clothing. I don't want to meet them in my night clothes."

He walked down the small corridor to his room. I heard shuffling of clothes hangers. He returned with a girl's long fur coat that would cover the clothes I was in. I smiled and walked over to him as he slid it on me.

"I must say you're sister has a nice taste of style."

"Actually this is my mum's. I'm surprised she hasn't rang me looking for it. It looks expensive. I'm sure she wouldn't mind you wearing it though." Man I sure hope not. I've already ruined enough.

Matt and I were barely out the door before I felt a queasy feeling in my stomach. I brushed it off as being nervous and continued walking. I admired the cameras and other props that were sitting around outside. As I walked the sun beamed down on me, and I started getting really hot. If only it was more chilly out. This coat is starting to get to me.

We reached a building and went inside. There was a corridor that lead to a room that looked like the front of the TARDIS. Matt opened the door and we both walked in. The TARDIS console room. I was in awe.

"Wow. It looks a lot different than what I seen this morning."

"Yeah. They change the interior with almost every doctor. Well, except Ten kept Nine's interior..."

He kept talking but it was becoming hard to listen. My stomach kept churning. It felt like I was going to be sick. I had to find a bathroom. Now.

"Matt...I-" I was then cut off by a Scottish voice.

"Matt, you're wanted in makeup ASAP." It was a man with dark hair.

"Oh sure. Oh yeah Brooke this is Steven, my boss. Steven, this is Brooke."

"Brooke, such a pleasure to meet you." Steven reached his hand out for me to shake it. I tried to take his hand, but the contents of my stomach already started coming up. As soon as I took his hand, I projectile vomited all over his clothing, and Matt's mum's fur coat. Oh God, I just puked all over Matt's boss. I knew something bad was going to happen. I should've just stayed at the trailer.

"Steven I'm so sorry." I apologized, but then continued to vomit everywhere. After I couldn't be sick anymore, Matt walked over to me and pulled me into a side hug.

Steven responded. "It's alright, love. I have clothes I can change into I suppose. Matt, help me set up a place for her to rest."

Matt and Steven both helped me walk down the long corridor until we reached a room with a large table which I assumed was a conference room. Matt walked out for a few minutes and returned with a pillow and a few blankets. They both set a place on a sofa that was sitting in the corner and they helped me to it. I took the coat off and handed it to Matt, and lied down.

Steven walked back out to change his clothes, so it was just Matt and I. I was on the verge of crying, and I suppose Matt could tell I felt awful. He sat next to me on the edge of the sofa and started gently rubbing my back.

"Matt I feel awful. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I've caused nothing but trouble. I don't deserve anything you've done for me." I said through my tears.

"Don't talk that kind of nonsense. You deserve the best."

I couldn't even respond to that. I just kept crying, which gave me more of a headache, and he just kept comforting me. Eventually my tears turned into sleepiness. Not much later I drifted off to sleep, with Matt still by my side.

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