Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Brooke’s POV)


After around thirty minutes of walking, my legs desperately needed a break. Quickly searching for a place to sit, I spotted a wooden bench in the local park. Perfect.

I stumbled to the park bench and sat down to rest. I continued to think about how I would take care of myself once I got out of the city. This is going to be difficult. I mean, how exactly do you support yourself after having no formal education and with no friends or family to help you? Unless I became lucky and found like 6,000 pounds on the streets or something like that, but that’s highly unlikely. Actually, it’s pretty much impossible.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a small child, around three years.

“Mummy, Daddy, look! I picked you guys a flower!” The child’s voice was screeching happily.

The mum and dad both looked at each other with sweet eyes. They looked back at the child and accepted the flower he had given them. They then both hugged their son and kissed him on the check.

Observing the situation closely, I was happy for this kid, but jealous at the same time. He currently has a family like I once had. It was wonderful. I had two parents who loved me, and cared for me.

Yes, even my father was caring and nurturing at one point. My mum always told me stories of how they met.

They were both in high school. My father was the head footballer at their school, and my mother was always sitting under the willow tree in the schools courtyard, soaked in a book. When they first glanced at each other, it was love at first sight.

My father walked by the willow that my mum was reading under on his way to football practice, and my mum looked away from her book for a split second and immediately caught my father’s eye.

My father said she had the prettiest eyes, and my mother always said he had the most handsome smile she had ever seen. My father sat with her under the willow before continuing to football practice.

Him sitting under the willow with her became a ritual. Every day they would meet in the very same place, and talk. Eventually, my father built up the courage to ask my mum to be his girlfriend, and they’ve been together ever since.

They got married and had me years later, of course. They were the most loving parents any child could ever ask for. I can honestly say without hesitation I was probably the luckiest kid in the world.

When I was four years old, though, this all changed. I was staying with my aunt Caitlin while my mum went out to run errands. On her way to come get me, she was hit by an oncoming driver, who was later found out to be drunk at the time of the collision. The drunk driver lived with a few moderate injuries, but my mum was killed on the scene.

 I still get angry about this. Why did it have to be my mum, the sweetest person to ever walk the planet earth? That bastard. I wish I knew who he was so I could give him a piece of my mind.

Anyways, the death of my mother gave my father a hard time. To cope, he started drinking every night to “numb the pain”. A little while after he started drinking, he became a totally different person. He stopped taking care of himself, and me for that matter. For the longest time he wouldn’t leave the house, and he would never dream of letting me leave the house, in fear of someone finding out the things he did to me.

This has been going on for 19 years. I’m surely surprised I ended up alive with all the things he’s done to me. Things even I think I didn’t deserve with all my self-esteem issues. I can recall one specific time when his favourite football team lost a match on the telley one night. He was so angry, he went to the stove and boiled steaming hot water and shoved my whole arm in it. I ended up with a second degree burn that night. Imagine trying to sleep with that.

I continued my journey to the bus station. Who knows how long I have left to walk before I get there.

YAY LONGER CHAPTER <3 Hope you guise are liking this so far :D


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