Chapter 17

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~Brooke's POV~

I woke up relatively early that next morning. The sun was barely starting to shine through the window. I guess it's because of all the sleep I got yesterday. I've never had that much sleep before.

I moved a bit before I found that my back was leaning against something. What? I looked over my shoulder to find Matt's arms around my midsection and my back leaning against his body. It was kind of like an awkward spooning position. Why was he doing this? Maybe he just did it unintentionally in his sleep. Or maybe I did it in my sleep?

Either way I'm not complaining. He gave me a strange feeling I've never felt before. It was a warm, fuzzy feeling. It felt like I wanted to cry again, but for a whole different reason. A good reason. Tears of joy.

I wonder if he has to go back to set today. I know Karen does, but does he? I'm still kind of embarrassed about what happened yesterday. What was that, anyway? I ate an apple and drank water. It's not like it was tough on my stomach or anything. Maybe I was nervous.

Just then I felt small movements coming from Matt. I felt him take his warm arms from around my stomach as he sat up. Awake this early? After all the hours he's had to work? Wow.

I repositioned my body so it was facing him, pretending I was still asleep. I cracked my eyes open a little, so they would appear closed, but so I could still see.

I seen him sitting up in bed, tiredly rubbing his eyes. He reached over to the opposite side and grabbed his mobile phone. He looked through it for about 5 minutes. He then sat it down on his chest and looked at me.

Then I realized I had my eyes open wider than I intended. Great. He probably caught me. I quickly shut them, hoping maybe there was a chance he didn't see me.

I heard him laugh quietly to himself. "Brooke I know you're awake. No need to hide it." Yep. Definitely caught me.

Embarrassed, I buried my face in the pillow. "How did you know?" My voice was muffled. Really? Stupid question.

"I seen your eyes flutter shut. I don't know, I just knew you were awake."

"Oh." That's literally all I could say. I couldn't think of anything else. It was awkwardly silent. Why am I so awkward? I finally broke it.

" you have work today?"

"No. I'm off. Just you and me. Everyone else is needed on set."

I finally lifted my face from the pillow and sat up on the bed, looking at him.


"What would that be?"

"May I ask why I woke up with your arms wrapped around me?" Matt looked at me like I just said the stupidest thing ever. What? Why?

"You mean you don't remember?" Now this scared me. What happened? Was it bad?

"...Noooo? Will I regret it if I ask what happened?" Matt flipped on his side so he faced me.

"I don't know. Would you like me to tell you?" Really Matt? Of course I do. I nodded my head.

"You seemed...uncomfortable...while you were sleeping." I felt my eyebrows press together in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You weren't crying...but you seemed scared. They were more whimpers than cries. They got louder and louder. I felt bad so I pulled you close to me to see if it would help." At least it wasn't me. I wonder how long I've been doing stuff like that.

"So I assumed it helped?"

"Almost instantly." I felt my heart flutter.

"Hmm. Interesting. I didn't even know I did that."

"Neither did I." I laughed awkwardly. It was quiet for a few seconds before Matt broke the silence and jumped out of bed.

"Well come on! We have things to get done." He ran over to the other side of the room and searched for clothes.

"What? I thought you were off today."

"I am off today. I'm not talking about work. I'm talking about getting you ready before we head out to London for filming next week." Oh yeah. I forgot about that. "You're gonna need clothes and other things that are essential for survival and/or hygiene."


He threw another girly outfit at me.

"Hurry and get dressed. You need clothes. That's the last outfit my sister left here."

I did as I was told and showered and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and decided to let my hair down. It might be a little messy from the lack of brushing it, but whatever. I'll bring a hair tie just in case. I rinsed my mouth out with water and walked out.

I found Matt dressed with his hair neatly groomed. My heart skipped a beat when I seen him. What am I sick? Stop it body.

He grabbed a set of keys and his mobile phone and he took my hand and lead me out the door. My heart skipped a best again.

It was light out by now, but it was still early. My hand was in his as he dragged me to his car. I got sat next to him and he started the car and drove off.

I'm glad Matt was being so nice to me, but I felt bad at the same time. He hasn't known me for a week but he's about to spend money on me? Yeah. Talk about guilt.

I looked over at Matt and he had shades over his eyes like Karen did yesterday. He was silent, focused on driving. I examined his body. He was skinny and his arms appeared strong. I felt that feeling in my chest again. My thoughts stopped when I heard Matt's voice.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He chuckled to himself. I felt my face get hotter and hotter by the second. He probably thinks I'm dumb. I turned my head out the window, trying not to face him.

"I'm...I'm sorry." I heard my voice crack.

I was embarrassed. I couldn't help feeling the way I did. I've never felt someone care for me that much since my mum's death. I felt Matt reach over and grab my hand, which was on my leg. I could tell he felt sorry.

"Brooke I'm sorry. I was just kidding around." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I know..." I choked the next part out. "I just haven't felt this loved for the longest time. Let's just say I'm internally confused." I felt Matt squeeze my hand sympathetically.

"Do you still feel like you're a burden to me?" Another tear rolled down my cheek. I nodded. He stopped the car for a moment. He just pulled off of the road, since it wasn't all that busy. He took his shades off and looked at me.

"You're absolutely wonderful. Stop having a low self-esteem. Everyone here loves you, including me." He wrapped both of his hands around my one. "What you went through at home was dreadful and sickening, but I promise it won't happen again. For as long as you need and want me around, I will protect you."

Another tear slipped out. Matt immediately took his thumb and wiped it across my cheek, drying it. I felt a wave of relief knowing he wasn't angry or anything. Maybe he's right. My past is over. I have something new here. I have friends, someone to protect me and help me get on my feet.

Matt took his hand off of my face and brought it back to my hand. He planted a gentle kiss on the top of it. My heart fluttered and my stomach flipped when he did these things. Showed affection toward me. Then I remembered. Oh yeah. I fancied him. But that was it.

No. I'm actually having different thoughts on that. I felt more than just 'fancying him'. I felt like I wanted to protect him just as much as he was protecting me. I wanted make him feel the way I felt about him. I had to love him. Brooke you've only known him a few days. I don't care. A few days is enough for me.

I finally realized the car was moving again. I looked over and Matt's shades were over his face. Then I noticed that my hand was still in his. I instinctively smiled. This is the best feeling ever.

It was silent the rest of the way there. It was a sweet silence though. Not an awkward one. It was like music to my ears honestly. Matt's hand only left mine to shift the vehicle's gears, but instantly reattached afterwards.

The Dark Willow (A Matt Smith Fanfiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now