Chapter 11

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~Matt's POV~

As soon as Brooke fell asleep, I got up and pulled the blanket over her. She had a few strands of her red hair falling over her face, and her breathing was light, but steady. She looked beautiful with the light from the window dancing across her face. She looked peaceful for once. No fear, no tears...nothing

I walked out of the conference room and lightly shut the door, being extra careful not to stir her awake. Just right down the corridor I seen Arthur heading toward me, dressed for the next scene we were filming.

"There you are, mate. You realize you're still needed in makeup, yeah?"

"Oh right. My job. Kinda forgot about that." I rubbed the back of my neck in stress. Arthur was confused.

"How exactly can you forget about your job?"

"I brought Brooke back to set to meet the rest of the crew and well...she kind of got sick...on Steven." I giggled a bit. Thinking about it afterwords I admit was kind of funny. I mean I felt bad for Brooke, but her puking on Moffat. Yeah. Pretty comical.

Arthur was in awe. "What!? She puked on the Moff?" I laughed at him.

"Yeah. I don't know if she's sick or if she ate something that got to her. Either way she's passed out on the sofa in the conference room."

"You know, I feel bad. It seems like she has a tough life." He commented on Brooke. Of course I knew the truth about her life, but I don't think she would appreciate me broadcasting her personal life to my co workers. I should just let her tell them herself when she's ready. It would be best. I just agreed with him like I didn't know.

After a bit of mindless chat, Arthur continued to set and I walked to the makeup area. Karen was finished with her makeup and ran up to me as I sat in the makeup chair.

"Hey, where have you been?"

"Well, I decided to ask Brooke if she wanted to come to set with me so she wouldn't be sitting in the trailer all day. When she got here I introduced her to the Moff and she kind of got sick on him."

Karen laughed. "Poor Steven. I bet that's a first for him. It'll make a good story though. Where is she now?"

"We set up a place for her to rest. She's currently passed out on the sofa in the conference room. I hope I get off early today. She needs someone to take care of her."

Karen nodded. "Well I only have this next scene to film and then I'm off for the rest of the day. Maybe if she's awake I can take her back to your place for you. Keep her company until you get home, maybe get her things she needs." This is why I loved Kazza. She is so thoughtful and a selfless. I'm lucky to have a friend like her.

"Would you really do that?"

"Of course I will. Brooke seems like a nice girl. I think we could become good friends."

"Thanks, Kazza." I smiled at her.

"Not a problem. Now hurry and let the makeup artists do their work. You don't want Steven pissed again." She playfully punched my arm and walked to set, script in hand.

Nina, my makeup artist, began applying makeup to my face. Since I wasn't a girl that had to worry about eyeliner and all that jazz, it didn't take her as long as it took her for Karen. I thanked her and grabbed my script and walked to set. I set the script down on my chair and walked to the TARDIS console where Karen and Arthur stood.

The director gave us instructions on the next scene. I listened intently at what he was saying. I then got into character the best I could.

"And...action!" He yelled, and the camera began rolling.

I tried to perform the scene to the best of my ability, but it wasn't as easy as most days. I had Brooke on my mind. I was worried about her. She was really upset before she fell asleep. Hopefully she doesn't wake up and get sick again. I would hate to not be there with her. She was apart of me at this point. I love her. No. I can't. I only met her yesterday. I barely know her. How can I love her already? Maybe I just fancy her? Yeah. I must. But it's just a crush. It can't be anything more. She probably doesn't feel the same about me anyway.

I heard the director's voice again. "Cut!" Crew members walked up to me and fixed my hair, and adjusted my bow tie. I seen Steven approach me.

"Come on, Smith. You can do better than that." He criticised me.

It was hard to look at him. "Sorry sir. I have other things on my mind."

"I know your friend is sick and you're worried about her, but we have a show that needs to be filmed, and fans are expecting it to be good. Just try to stay focused."

"Yes sir. I'll try." He then walked back to his spot and got ready to shoot it again.

We shot the same scene again and again until he was finally satisfied with the outcome. He allowed those who still had to film (aka me) a five minute break. I sat down and took a sip out of my water bottle. Karen walked up to me.

"I'll go see if she's awake. If she is I'll take her back to your place. If not I won't wake her. I'll text you if she's still sleeping." I nodded. As she began walking away I thanked her again.

"Thank you again for doing this. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

"You're welcome." She smiled at me and walked off.

I looked over the script again, but it was hard to concentrate. All I could think about was Brooke.

The Dark Willow (A Matt Smith Fanfiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now