Chapter 13

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~Brooke's POV~

We walked in the chilled winds until we finally reached Karen's car. It was the coolest car I've ever seen. It was a light blue, my mum's favourite colour. I don't know anymore beyond that. Deprived. Remember? But it was cool.

Karen sat down on the driver's side, and I sat down on the passenger side, admiring the interior.

"Sorry it's a bit messy. I haven't had time to clean it lately. Work has been hectic." Karen started the car and we drove off of set.

I looked out the window as we drove. People were walking home from school and work. Just going about their daily lives. Why couldn't I have a life like that? I know it sounds strange, but I wish I had a normal childhood where I went to school and had friends. Well, I attended primary school for sometime after my mum died, but of course my dad had to ruin that, too. My only possible escape from him.



I was 8 years old, in year four in primary school. I was brutally beaten at home, but I was happy here. It was the only place where I felt loved. Or at the very least it was the only place I wasn't hit or kicked. For me, that was a HUGE improvement from being home.

I've had conversations with the school staff about my life at home, but I always told them everything was okay. I knew better than to tell them what really happened. My father would never let me come back. Because I would be dead. That's right. He would have killed me and ran off as far as he could. No exaggeration there.

I've always done well in school. Probably because I loved it so much. My literacy skills were much higher than those in my grade. While the other kids were reading simple chapter books, I was already able to comprehend long and complex passages. I even enjoyed Shakespearian plays like "Romeo and Juliet" and "Macbeth".

I'll admit maths wasn't as strong of a subject for me, but it was still above average. I aced pretty much every exam (A/N do they even have exams in primary school? I'm american so idk O.O). Everyone wanted to cheat off of me. I was the top of my class.

I excelled academically. One place I didn't excel? PE. Every time I had to participate in any kind of PE activity I would come out with a new injury of some kind. Like I need more of those. I hated it. There is no one on this earth that is clumsier than Brooke Alexandra Miller.

There were a few kids who teased me too, but they didn't really bother me all that much. It was mostly for my love of reading. I mean, I've been through worse, obviously.

One day in class everyone was working and quietly chattering away. I was sitting in the corner of the room reading a book. The door opened and the school's headmaster summoned me to follow him. I reached my feet and walked out of the classroom, everyone staring at me in curiosity. We walked down several corridors before reaching his office.

When we walked inside of his office, I seen one of the administrators standing next to my dad. I shot a confused look to the headmaster, then to my dad, then back at the headmaster. The headmaster bent down to my level and spoke.

"Brooke, your dad said he's made a big decision. He wants to take you out of school to homeschool you. We told him of the marks you've been getting, and he thinks he can provide you with material that is more challenging for you." My heart sank to my feet. I knew he wasn't going to give me an education at home. Far from. Instead he was going to torture me like he already does, except around the clock. And he wouldn't have to hide it. He wouldn't have to be worried about me ratting him out. He had more freedom. Why wouldn't he take it?

My dad talked to the headmaster a bit more before he pulled me out of the building for the last time. I would never set foot in that school again.

He drove me home and can probably guess what he did next. I've been living like that ever since. Until I ran away recently of course. I will never understand how I managed to stay alive all that time. It's a miracle.


My thoughts were finally halted by the sound of Karen's Scottish voice ringing in my ears.

"Brooke? Hello? Did you hear me?"

"Wha - I'm sorry Karen. What did you say?"

"I asked where you wanted to eat." I looked around outside and saw a multitude of restaurants surrounding us. I felt awkward.

"Uhh - you pick." I said.

"Are you sure? I'm treating you, not myself."

"Yeah. Anything is fine with me."

Karen kept looking over at me with concern filled eyes. She must know my thoughts were about something important. Am I that easy to read?

"Are you okay, Brooke?"

"Yeah of course."

"Are you sure?"


I could tell she didn't buy it, but she just went on with driving.

The Dark Willow (A Matt Smith Fanfiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now