Chapter 22

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~Brooke's POV~


Matt's alarm went off. He groaned from being tired and hit the snooze button once. He then returned to our warm cuddle-like position. I relaxed at the feeling of his warmth and slipped back into unconsciousness.

A loud knock on Matt's door startled me awake. I looked at the clock on his wall. 6:23. We were supposed to be on set at 6:30 so we could leave for London. We are definitely running late.
The loud knocking continued. Matt rushed to the door to answer. As soon as he opened it, Karen and Arthur rushed in.

"Are you ready yet? You're always the one on set first when we travel. You have us worried." Karen spoke quickly.
I looked over at Matt and realized he looked nervous.

"No I'm fine. I just..." It was tough for him to get the next bit out, "stayed up too late going over the script." I would be willing to believe that.

"Well hurry. We need to be there soon, mate." Arthur said. It was probably the first time I've heard him really speak up. He glanced at me. He was about to say something before Karen pulled him with her back to set.

What was that about? I know my hair probably looks gross but really? Wait. My eye. Damn. He was probably gonna comment on it. Then I would have to tell him the truth of what happened. Steven could overhear me and Matt could be fired for physical violence.

Okay I'll admit, I'm probably overthinking the situation, but I don't want to take the risk. I would never forgive myself if Matt got fired for protecting me. He hasn't even known me that long.

I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Matt and I didn't have time to shower, so I changed into my outfit and pulled my hair back in a messy bun. Matt did the same (minus the hair of course). We grabbed our bags, and he grabbed his phone off the table.

It was still a bit dark outside, but the sun was starting to peak through the trees. We hurried to set. With every step I took my injured eye pulsed with pain. At one point it felt like I got shot in the head, but I pressed on. A few metres from the building I heard
movement in the bushes, along with a camera shutter, and a blinding flash.
I yelped in pain.

"Just ignore them." Matt said sleepily. I took his advice and we kept jogging on.
When we arrived on time to set, but barely. People were looking at us. More specifically they were looking at me. More specifically they were looking at my eye.

Last night I planned on showering so I could cover my eye with my hair, but I couldn't because we woke up late. Now I had no possible way of covering it. Matt must've forgotten about it as well, because he had an anxious expression on his face. Karen and Arthur walked up to us.

Eventually people stopped staring at us and went back about their business, but they were probably just as curious about what happened to my eye. All of a sudden I heard Matt yelp in pain.
"OW! What was that for?!" Karen slapped him.

"What the hell happened to her?" She asked furiously. I cut in.

"Don't worry, Karen. He didn't do it." Karen's face was red with anger.

"Then who did!?" She whisper-yelled. I was startled by her tone, so I took a small step back and hid behind Matt more. Her expression softened.

"Sorry. Can either of you explain to me what's going on?" She said calmly.

"I had to take her to get clothes for the trip, and when we walked outside we were surrounded..." Matt explained the story to them, but I was being distracted. I thought of what would possibly happen if the story of Matt punching him got out. What if his fans were upset with him?

What if my dad found me? As soon as the thought entered my mind, my heart raced. I knew this would be a problem when I left. I should have just kept running.

We waited for around 5 more minutes before everyone started boarding the coach. Karen and Arthur sat in front of Matt and I. On the opposite side of Karen and Arthur were Alex and Steven.

We traveled for around a half hour. The bus was quiet for the most part, besides the shuffling of papers among the crew members and soft casual chitchat amongst everyone.

I stared out the window and listened to the subtle background noises. I thought of everything that's happened. Me running away, running into Matt, getting punched in the was almost too much to process at once.
I heard Karen, Arthur, and Alex going over the script. Matt was staring into the abyss, just completely out of it and into his own thoughts.

---Skip the rest of the traveling because I don't know what else to write. LOL---

We finally arrived in London. There were people walking every which way. It was beautiful.

I've never been to London, but my mum always told stories of what it was like when she was there as a child. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

Steven got off first, and the rest of us followed. I glanced to my left to see the Big Ben tower, my mum's favourite thing she's seen in London . I was in awe. I've only ever seen Big Ben in pictures and read about it in books and magazines, and heard mum's stories about it, but now I got to see it physically. The smile on my face got wider.

I walked along behind Matt, looking around until I heard a male Scottish voice behind me.

"Brooke, would you mind if I spoke to you?"

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