Chapter 14

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~Brooke's POV~

We pulled into an Italian restaurant that I didn't pay attention to the name of. Karen's shades were still pulled over her face when we walked in.

"Why are you still wearing shades? There's no light in here."

She spoke softly, making sure no one hears her. "It's so it's harder for people to recognize me. That's the tough life of acting. If you get caught in public, who knows how many people will crowd you. Some are crazy."

"Ohh. Makes sense."

"You should have seen that group of fangirls that attacked Matt like two weeks ago. They literally attacked him. To the ground. I felt bad but it was funny at the same time." We both laughed. I think Karen and I will get along.

We were both seated in a more private corner, much to Karen's relief. It would be harder for people to spot her here. She sat with her back towards the majority of the people, while I sat facing them. We glanced through menus and chatted.

Karen ordered pasta with garlic bread. I just ordered a salad and water. I figured it would be easier on my stomach since it acted up this morning. After we ordered we waited for our food and continued to chat.

"You know we're heading to London next week to film. Have you ever been?" Karen asked.

"No. I've had family members who have been there, but I haven't. I heard there was a lot to do there."

"There is. It's so much fun! We film a lot of Who there. Steven loves to write a lot of his stories taking place there. No complaints from me." She laughed. "You'll love it." She finally said. I'll love it?

"I'm going with?"

"Matt will find an excuse to take you, I'm sure. I don't think Steven and the rest of the crew would mind anyways. That is if you stay out of the way of filming, but I don't think anyone's worried about that.

I can't believe I would probably be going to London with them. What about things I need? Clothes, toothbrush, etc. I don't have money to buy them and I didn't take anything with me when I left home.

"Won't I need to bring things with me? You know...clothes, toothbrush" I whispered the next part "girly things?" We both laughed at the last part.

"Well, for a start you can keep that outfit since I can't wear it anymore. I might have more you can wear. We can go shopping if you want?"

"Oh no. You're already buying food for me. I wouldn't want to cost you anymore money."

Karen just nodded and said okay. She didn't push it. Thank God. Our food finally came and we ate and talked about random things. I eventually felt comfortable enough to tell her my life story. I didn't cry this time, but she shed a few tears before it was over.

"I had no idea, Brooke. That's awful. Aren't you worried about him finding you?"

"Not too much. He rarely gets out of the house, let alone out of town. He's always too wasted or just passed out. He might not even know I'm gone yet, who knows."

"I couldn't imagine losing my mum. She's my idol. How do you cope." She wiped another tear from her cheek.

"It's hard sometimes, but I know she's in a better place. I miss her but I know she's not hurting anymore."

We both kept chatting until we finished. She told me more stories about her time with Matt and Arthur and I must say, they know how to have fun. I wonder what it's like to have fun with friends like that. Wait I'm having fun right now, with Karen. I can't imagine having fun with more than one person at a time. It must be a blast!

She went up and paid for our food. I thanked her and we drove off.

"Hey Brooke, wanna see a movie? I've been dying to see 21 Jump Street and it's playing at the cinema."

"But Karen, you already spent money on me. I already feel bad."

"Oh come on. Please!" She begged.

"Well...if you really want to. Who am I to say no?" Karen was excited.


Karen and I walked out of the cinema dying laughing. That movie was hilarious. We laughed all the way back to her car.

"Oh wow...I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life." Karen said in between laughs.

"I know I haven't." A tear rolled down my cheek, still laughing. Karen started the car and we pulled out of the cinema.

"Did you see that guy giving us a weird look when we walked out?" I said and coughed from laughing so much.

"Yeah. He probably thought we were idiots!" She started laughing even harder. We eventually calmed down a bit.

"That was so much fun. I never get to see movies anymore. My job takes so much of my time."

"I wish I could relate. I've never had a job. Kinda wish I did though. Getting some sort of income would be nice." I imagined what my life would be like with a job. I would feel accomplished.

"Why not try to get a job here in Cardiff, then?"

"I don't think I would be able to. I didn't even complete primary school, remember? No one in their right mind would give me a job."

I seen a lightbulb light up above Karen's head.

"You said you enjoyed reading right? Do you read plays?"

"Yeah. I love Shakespearian plays."

"Have you ever participated in drama?"

"I never got a chance to, but I would've loved it."

It was true. I always dreamed of acting and performing since I was a little girl. Even when my mum was alive. She always said I would be brilliant at it. After what happened I never got the chance to experience being in drama to pursue my dream.

"Why don't you try to get into acting?"

The Dark Willow (A Matt Smith Fanfiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now