Chapter 15

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~Brooke's POV~

Get into acting? I don't know the first thing about acting. No experience whatsoever. I was rarely around people before this.

"I don't know the first thing about acting."

"I can give you tips. We can go back to my place and see how it works out."

"Um...alright I guess." I was nervous. I know it's only Karen, but still. What if I suck at it? What will she think of me then? These thoughts raced through my head until we arrived back to set.

It was around it was around 18:00 and Matt still wasn't back. In wonder what happened during filming? It sure takes forever.

We walked into Karen's trailer. "Wow you're right. Long hours. Matt still isn't back yet. He's got to be stressed out."

"Our hours are actually kind of strange. It depends on what episode and scene we're filming. Sometimes you're needed on set for long hours, and sometimes you're barely needed at all. It depends on how the Moff writes it."

Karen went through a hand bag and pulled out a folded script. She handed it over to me.

"You go over that. I'll be right back." She then walked off and I heard the door to the bathroom close.

I unfolded the script and read the parts which were lined with a highlighter that read "Amy". I went through it over and over in my head. I tried to get into the mind and mood of the character. I even read it aloud a few times. Quietly of course, but loud enough so I could hear myself.

Karen finally walked out. She kicked off her shoes by the door and plopped on the sofa next to me.

"Okay. We're gonna see what you've got in you so far. Just read Amy's lines. I'll respond with The Doctor's and River's lines. You can keep the script. I've memorized them."

"Okay." I cleared my throat. Karen started reading.

The Doctor: "It's very contemporary. Cutting edge. This is from the space program."

River: "Stolen?"

Amy: "What, by aliens?"

The Doctor: "Apparently."

Amy: "But why? I mean if you could make it all the way to Earth why steal technology that could barely make it to the moon?"

The Doctor: "Maybe 'cause it's cooler! Look at how cool this stuff is."

Amy: "Cool aliens?"

The Doctor: "Well what would you call me?"

Amy: "An alien."

The Doctor: "Oy!"

"Brooke that was brilliant!"

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

"Can I give you a few tips though?"

"Sure. Fire away."

Karen gave me a few pointers on how to make it more realistic and believable. We read through it again, using the techniques she suggested.

"Oh my! Why not talk to Steven? Maybe he might have some auditions coming up for a new female role. You should totally audition."

"I'm not sure if Steven even likes me, Karen. I did puke on him today. And I ruined that one night of filming,

and-" she cut me off.

"Come on. Steven might be a stone cold killer at work, but deep down inside he's really a nice guy. I'm sure he won't hold a grudge against you." I doubted that was true, but I just went along with it.

"You sure?"

"Positive. I'll talk to him next week." I nodded. I trusted Karen's judgement. If I was decent enough for her to talk to Steven for upcoming auditions for me, then I must be pretty decent.

We practiced for awhile longer, reading other parts of the script. She continued giving me tips, and said I kept getting better and better.

We practiced until it started getting dark outside. Of course we took breaks and chatted, watched TV, and just got off topic, but we still practiced quite a bit.

"So what kind of things do you, Matt, and Arthur do for fun?"

"Lots of things. Go out to eat, go to the pub, and sometimes we just simply mess around with each other in between takes. It's fun."

I then thought back of her and Arthur. I thought they would make a good couple. They were just so cute!

"So I have a question. Promise you won't kill me?"


"Do you fancy Arthur?" Karen's face turned red, and she tried hard not to smile. I think I know what the answer is. I felt comfortable around her. She was like my best friend now.

"AWWWW KAREN FANCIES ARTHURRR." I chanted. Her face turned even redder.

"SHHH. What if he hears you?!" She whispered-yelled back at me. I laughed.

"I'd be doing you a favor, love."

"You might be. But even if you did, Steven forbids any romance between co workers. He says it interferes with actors' concentration or something like that."

"Seriously? Can he do that?"

"I don't know. But he does."

"Wow a tough guy, this one?"

"Yeah. I told you he was stone cold at work."

"Him keeping the cutest couple from becoming reality?! Maybe he deserved me puking on him!" We both busted up laughing. I was kidding of course, but it was still funny.

We cracked a few more jokes before Karen popped a movie in. We watched Inception. I tried hard to understand what was going on, but about half way through the movie, I gave up and started thinking.

Will this dream of acting ever come true? Will I actually make something of myself for once? After all these years of suffering? I don't know for sure, but I was positive of one thing: things were changing for me. Hopefully for the better.

My thoughts finally came to a stop after I drifted off to sleep.

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