Chapter 8

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~Brooke's POV~

Of course I was right. It was a show I've never seen before. The name did sound familiar though. Doctor Who. Maybe I heard family members talk about it before.

"It sounds familiar, but I've never seen it." I thought of what to say next. "I was...deprived as a child." I felt my face becoming warmer. Still gotta work on those human communication skills.

Karen had wide eyes. She was surprised. "YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT?" She wasn't shouting, but her voice was loud enough to make me flinch. I couldn't be upset at her though. She had no idea what I've been through as a child.

"Damn, Kazza. You're frightening her with your weirdness. Don't worry, Brooke. I don't blame you." Arthur finally spoke. Karen giggled and playfully punched him in the arm. I wonder if they're dating. They would make a cute couple.

"Well, it's a science fiction show about time travel." Matt said. " It's the longest running TV show in history. It's an honor to be on it." Karen and Arthur agreed with him.

Karen became excited. "Girl you and I have to spend some girl time together. I'll show you a few episodes, and maybe then go shopping and have tea."

I liked the sound of that. Friends sounded like something that would benefit me.

"I would love to Karen." Was all I could manage to say.

About another 30 minutes of mindless chat went by before Karen and Arthur headed back to their own trailers. So it was just Matt and I again.

"Since you came all the way to Cardiff, don't you have anywhere to stay?" Matt folded his hands in his lap.

" I decided to run away within five minutes of thinking. I didn't really gather a plan before I left. In fact I didn't even think of where I would go. I just ran. As fast as I could. I had to get out." I said.

He had a look of sorrow in his eyes. "I can't just let you loose out there. It's nighttime and it's dangerous. Why don't you sleep here tonight? You can even have my bed. I'll take the couch."

"Matt I can't barge into your life and take things that belong to you. I wasn't intending on invading in anyone's personal life. You've worked for all of this and I'm just a girl from the street that was too weak to handle life at home anymore." Matt pulled me into a side hug.

"Brooke you didn't deserve the things your dad did to you. You were almost assaulted as soon as you arrived here. What kind of arrogant prick would send someone back out into the world like that? I know I wouldn't. So please. I beg of you. Stay here so you don't get hurt any further." He made a puppy dog face that I swear no person could say no to. His green eyes sparkled, and it looked like tears were about to fall from them. Oh great.

"Fine" I said. "but I'm not going to take your bed. If I'm sleeping anywhere I'm sleeping on this couch." His face brightened up.

"That's about as good as it's gonna get, isn't it?" Matt smiled a bit.

"Yep." I said, popping the "p".

"As long as you're safe, then I guess I don't have any problem with that." He got up and motioned me to stand up. When I stood up he hugged me. I lied my head on his shoulder. This was the most affection I've gotten since my mum died. It was overwhelming, but in a good way. I loved it.

Matt and I pulled away from each other.

"Do you mind if I take a shower? I feel disgusting after all of that running I did today." I asked.

"Of course. By all means make yourself at home. You can wear one of my t-shirts to bed. I wouldn't want to sleep in clothes I've been sweating in." He said as he walked into the bedroom to get clothes for me. I didn't even bother fighting him because I knew it was a battle I wasn't going to win. So I just waited for him to get back.

He returned with a t-shirt that read "The Angels Have the Phonebox" and a pair of shorts. Why does he have those? Oh well.

Almost instantly he answered my subconscious question. "If you're wondering, the shorts aren't mine. They're my sister's. She, my mum, and my dad stayed here for a welcoming party when I first got here. She must've forgotten them. They look like they'll fit you." Not the mind reading again. It was actually starting to scare me. I just shrugged it off.

Matt walked me to the bathroom and showed me how to work the shower. He then left so I could have privacy.

~Matt's POV~

I walked Brooke to the bathroom and showed her how the shower worked. After she was comfortable, I left her alone.

I looked at the clock. 23:00. I pulled out my phone and looked at it. Oh no. 5 missed calls from Moffat. Maybe I should call him back so he wouldn't be TOO cross with me? Yeah that's a good idea.

I dialed Steven's number. My heart raced as I listened to the ringing. I hope he's not to upset. It wouldn't be good if I lost my job on my second season. Steven finally answered.


"I'm sorry, sir. Some things came up that I had to attend to."

"Do these 'things' have to do with that homeless girl that wondered on set today? Matt, your job should be more important to you than girls. It's Doctor Who for God's sake, it's the best role you've ever had! Why waste it on some girl that you don't even know?"

Hearing him say this made my blood boil. This girl needed help. I wasn't just going to turn her away. She could've been killed.

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever found out she got hurt because I wouldn't do anything. She didn't mean to interrupt filming."

"Matt, you've had girlfriends before. They all took advantage of you. I don't know what the hell makes you think this ones gonna be any different."

"Steven, it's not about that-"

"Whatever you plan on doing with her, just make sure you're at work on time and you STAY at work until told otherwise. Got it?"

"Yes sir..." Was all I could manage to get out.

"Good. Take this as a warning. You may not like what happens if you do it again. I'll see you tomorrow. ON TIME. Goodbye." And with that he hung up.

Don't get me wrong. Steven is a nice guy, but when it comes to getting behind on filming, he can get pretty cross. But other than that he's that kind of guy you can have a drink with and watch the match on the TV. Friendly.

I decided to get out of my work clothes and into more comfortable ones. The bow tie was really starting to get to me. Bow ties are cool and all, but it feels good to take it off at the end of the day. (A/N LOLOLOLOL)

The Dark Willow (A Matt Smith Fanfiction) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now