Chapter 9

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Lucy P.O.V.

Today, I woke up at 6:34 am. I looked across my window and saw Natsu sleeping. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After, I took my clothes from my closet and wore it. I tied my hair in the usual way and carried my bag. I sat on the bed first and grabbed my phone. I called Natsu and suddenly, he fell of his bed. He quickly recovered and shouted:

"Are you making fun of me?!"

"No, I just happen to wake up earlier than you so, I planned to call you. But when I called you, you fell off" I chuckled.

"Eesh, thanks for the wake-up call but no thanks for the fall"

"Your welcome!" I laughed. 

He went to change his clothes and I went down. I waited outside, as i usually do. The bus came when Natsu came. I hoped in the bus with Natsu and sat together again. The bus trip was a smooth ride. When we arrived at school, everyone was at their lockers, staring at their phones. Natsu and I were wondering what the rumor was all about. He pulled me to his friend, Gajeel. 

"Hey dude, what is all the rumor?" Natsu asked.

"You" Gajeel replied.

"What you mean?" Natsu asked.

"It is about you and Lucy dating dude"

"What?!" Me and Natsu said shockingly.

"Lisanna probably set you guys up instead of Her and You, Natsu"

"Well, because I didn't agree!" Natsu shouted.

"Now it is us?" Lucy questioned.

"I guess students will do the same thing" Natsu recalled the past.

"Now... now..Natsu, don't worry about it dude! You guys like each other right? I see proof" 

Gajeel stared down at our hands. Our hands were touching each other. 

"Best friends dude, not girlfriend and boyfriend"

"I still see another proof.. You guys live beside each other and you guys wait for each other after and going to school." 

"Gajeel, that is what bestfriends do"

"Anyways, Lucy try to stay away from Lisanna"

"Why?" I asked.

"She will kill you, I meant be more mean to you"

"Thanks for the heads up" I replied.

Natsu waved at Gajeel and we went to our first class. We were only classmates at martial arts class. When we arrived, people started to gossip. I ignored them completely and went to sit on the bench. When our teacher came in, he ordered us to go to our positions. We immeidately did it and stood by the white line since we were beginners. Teacher announced that we had to have partners. Me and Natsu nodded, signaling the both of us are partners. We faced each other and got ready for teacher to announce what to do. Then he yelled once more:


Natsu grabbed te 2 woods and he raised one for me. I positioned myself and kicked high. I was able to break it in half and Natsu cheered. Next was Natsu's turn. I raised it up and he hit it with his feet. He broke it in 3 pieces like weird!

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