Chapter 5

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Lucy P.O.V

How dare you Natsu! I considered you a friend! I kept running until I could run no more. I slouched to catch my breath and leaned against the lockers. Tears were shed from my eyes and I never felt this sad in my life. The bell rang, I headed to Art class. I sat at the very back seat and occupied the 2 seats. I placed my chin on my hand and wiped some tears. I wanted to keep crying but I didn't want to show people I'm weak. Natsu came right in. Great... Now what? He asked if there was any empty chairs then the class pointed at me. I looked away, making sure he cannot catch my eye. I moved to the left seat and heads down. I felt his jacket touch my arm. So it is easy to say he is there. I heard Mrs. Roberts speaking:

"Okay class, our art project today is 3% of art... Which is one of the biggest grade from all projects. Your pair is beside you and you will create a real looking painting of the 2 of you... Before we start, no one can be girl-girl or boy-boy! So change if you are..."

Students stood up changing seats. I looked up and Natsu was looking at the right. Mrs. Roberts distributed the painting papers. She gave the colors that were normally used and we started. I painted me perfectly while Natsu didn't start. He was figuring out how will he look like. I grabbed the brush and drew him the same way I drew myself. I painted the background and Natsu just made a signature. We finished first but I wasn't in the mood to tell Mrs. Roberts. Natsu raised his hands and told Mrs. Roberts we were finished. She towards us and raised our work.

"Who did this all?"

"Us-I meant Lucy!"

"Lucy? So she did it all."


"Congrats to both anyways..."

She carried our work and placed it on her desk. Art period ended and I ran home. I didn't bother to wait for Natsu. I just needed space for myself! I barged in my house and waved to Wendy and mom. I scampered upstairs and sobbed on my bed. I peeked at the window and saw Natsu staring at me. I grabbed the remote that can open the tv, close/open the curtains and more. I clicked the button to close the curtains. There was a little space from the curtain and I peeked. Natsu was writing on his sketchpad and raised it if I could see it. He wrote:

I'm sorry! It isn't real between me and Lisanna! Literally!

I wrote and opened the curtains and showed it:

Don't ever mind me! I' am deleting your number in my phone! Never talk to me ever!

I shut the curtains and threw my sketchpad. I peeked through the small space and Natsu was sleeping I think...

A few minutes later, a received a text message. I grabbed my phone and it was from Natsu.


Lucy, I' am so sorry if I hurt your feelings. I' am starting to think you like me because you feel bad between me and Lisanna! I think it is true... Because I like you too. Please forgive me and open the curtain to see your surprise...


I opened the curtains and saw Natsu made a big heart painting. He painted me and him in together. He isn't a real good artist but it was lovely.

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