Chapter 12

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Natsu P.O.V.

My next class was math. I hate math! So many to add all the time. When I arrived, Ms. Miki was waving at the students who came in. I waved back and sat on my assigned seat. I sat beside Gajeel and he was rough as always. We added some small numbers which was hard to add for me since I flunked every test. I tried to multiply 125 and 605. When I computed it, my answer was 730. I raised my hand and answered Ms. Miki's question. She shook her head in disappointment and said wrong!

"Multiply not add!"


I solved again and didn't know anymore. Finally, Mental Abuse To Humans (MATH) class finished. I headed straight home and didn't wait for Lucy. Well she texted me she is staying a while for Loke.

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