Chapter 7

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Lucy P.O.V.

I kept eating the buffalo wings until I was so full.

"Where are we now off to?"

"Anywhere you want!"

"Let's go.... To the mini arcade!"


"Bump car!"

I pulled Natsu to the Mini-arcade. We stopped to catch our breath in front of the arcade and played the bump car 3 times! When it was almost night time, Natsu and I went home. We held hands and I felt like, happy for some reason! When we arrived at the neighborhood, Natsu and I faced each other and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed feeling so joyful! Natsu let go of my hand and waved to me. We went to our homes and went inside. I was so tired that I fell fast asleep on my bed. The next morning, the massive snowstorm was still there. I touched my cheeks and I felt warm because Natsu kissed me. I looked across my window and saw Natsu shaking his hair. It was curly when he is asleep but spiky when he shakes it. I quickly changed into a normal t-shirt and leggings. I ran downstairs and ate breakfast. I ran up to my room and saw Natsu with... His brother? I never knew he had a brother or... Gray! His friend was Gray! I ran downstairs and went to Natsu's home. I knocked on the door and saw Mrs. Dragneel.

"Hello Mrs. Dragneel"

"Oh hello Lucy! How can I help you?"

"May I come in?"

"Oh sure! Want something to eat?"

"No thank you, I just had Breakfast"


"Mrs. Dragneel, where is Natsu?"

"Upstairs with his friend"

"May I go up?"


I thanked her and went to Natsu's room. I barged in and saw Natsu talking to Gray.

"Hello Gray!" I greeted.

"Hey Luce" Gray replied lamely.

"You know each other?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah we're cousins" Gray answered.

"What?!" Natsu cried.

"Yeah, got a problem?" Lucy asked slyly.

"Nothing just weird, anyways what are you doing here?"

"Nothing, seems like you don't want me here... Okay fine"

I turned around to open the door. Suddenly, Natsu slammed the door shut.

"That is not what I meant Lucy"

"Then what?"

"You act as if I've done something wrong"

"You didn't because I'm concerned about you! Got a problem?"

"Stop saying 'Got a Problem'!"


"It's irritating..."

"Whatever, move out of the way"


He opened the door and I ran out before he could change his mind. I went to my home and closed the curtains. I slept on my bed and finally night.

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