Chapter 8

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Natsu P.O.V.

What is with Lucy barging in my room! Tonight, I couldn't sleep. The incident bothered me all night. For some reason, I don't even know why! Was Lucy trying to figure out what me and Gray were talking about or was she just to curious? Ugh, I better sleep. The skies have been a bit clearer than the afternoon. The next morning, there was classes.
I hopped off the bed and saw Lucy up. She was wearing a checkered shirt and jeggings. Her hair was neat as always. I immediately went to my cabinet and brought out a t-shirt and maong pants. I shook my hair and it became spikier. I grabbed my bag and scurried down the stairs. Lucy was already waiting for me. I approached her and pulled her to the bus.
We sat together because we considered outselves bestbud for life. When I turned to Lucy, she was sleeping. The bus crossed a hump and her head fell on my shoulder. I blushed, feeling a bit, weird. We arrived and I shook Lucy. She woke up and we ran out to the school. 
We stopped to wave our good bye's for now and we headed to our classes. Then I spotted Lisanna gapping at me. She wiggled her fingers, saying hi. I just ignored her and went to my first class, Japanese class. I sat with my best bud, Gajeel. He was my friend since elementary. We did our hand code.

"Sup Natsu... Hear you and Lisanna going steady"

"Wrong news Man! She declared that herself... And I didn't agree"

"Say what! Why not dude? She is the leader of the club of cheering and for crying out loud! She is one of the richest girls in school!"


"So, you will be rich if you marry her!"

"No way dude! I ain't gonna let that happen at all"

"Oh man, here comes Ms. Lisanna"

"Hey Natsu!" Lisanna giggled.

"Hi" Natsu said lamely.

"Say, wanna go with me at lunch?"

"No, I have a busy schedule going on lately"

"Come on Natsu!" Lisanna pleaded.

"Sorry Lisanna, I' am not free at lunch"

"But promise me you will meet me"

"Fine, but only once and never again"

"Why? You are my boyfriend aren't you?"

"No! Let us consider it as friends"


"Then I won't meet you, take it or Leave it?"

"Argh! I'll take it then but you have a consequence to suffer"

She stomped to a seat and settled down.

"Whoa, she raged" I said.

"I agree, she is really bossy"

"That is why she isn't my type!" Natsu whispered loud.

"I get it, but it would be a great advantage"

"I don't care, I like Lucy"

"Alright dude, just givin' suggestion"

"I know"

The 3 periods ended and I went to meet Lisanna. I sat on a certain desk and suddenly, Lisanna came in with her fans.


"See Natsu, I have fans to support me to be with you... Do you have fans for me NOT to be with you? We are a perfect match Natsu"

"No we aren't, I love someone else and you have nothing to do about it whether you have someone to support you"

"What! Impossible, you are such a bad liar!" Lisanna screamed.

"No, ain't lying" I confirmed.

"Hmph! You are the worse boyfriend ever!"

She stomped away and then I recalled:

"Not your boyfriend!" 

I placed my hands in my pockets and whistled along the way. Then Lucy came up to me:

"Hey N!" Lucy greeted.

"Hey L" I greeted back.

"So how are you, heard the rumor that you rejected Lisanna as your girlfriend.. Sweet move" lucy congratulated.

"I know right, what kind of girl declares someone as her boyfriend?"

"Lisanna!" Lucy answered.

"Yep, she is crazy enough to do things her way"

"Mm..Hmm! Anyways, let us go home together"

"Yeah, as soon as we are done with school today"

"Okay! See you later!" Lucy said.

"see ya" I said.

I went to my next class. Finally, school ended. I waited outside the schoolfor Lucy. When the door opened, I saw Lucy gigling with an oranged hair boy. He wore a green jacket and maong pants. He wore glasses and he was handsome though. I got a bit jealous. I approached Lucy and asked:

"Ready to go home?"

"Oh hi Natsu! Sure but first meet Loke! So far, he is one of the newest student here"

"Hello Natsu, nice to meet you!"

He offered his hand. I shook it and looked back at Lucy.

"Let us go home Luce, our parents might be angry at us for being late" I said, impatiently.

"Bye Loke! See you tomorrow at lunch!' Lucy said.

I pulled Lucy. Even before Loke could say anything more.

"Why are you even so impatient! I' am just making friends!"

"I' am your friend!" I exclaimed.

"But it doesn't mean I only need to have one"

"Yeah but-" I stopped. 

She was right though. 

"Fine, but you gotta sit with me at lunch"

"Sorry Natsu, I' am meeting with Loke tomorrow lunch but maybe the day after tomorrow"

"Okay, see ya" I said.

We went to our homes and waved our good-byes at the window.

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