Chapter 6

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Natsu P.O.V.

I hope Lucy will feel better! I just don't understand what is wrong with Lisanna! She declared I'm her boyfriend? What kind of girl is she anyways? Lucy was wiping her tears. She finally smiled at me and raised her sketchpad:

Make a deal with me! Buy me 2 boxes of cheese pizza and 1 bucket of ice cream!

I wrote back:

You sure eat a lot!

She nodded then she yawned. She wrote back:


I nodded and finally lay down. I kept gapping at Lucy because I finally showed me feelings. I like her and she likes me. What else can I do to show my pure love for her?

The next morning, I looked across the window and saw Lucy snoring. I checked the clock and it was past the first period. When I looked outside, there was a massive snowstorm. I turned on the radio and heard that every school on Hageon street is suspended. I called Lucy and she quickly answered the phone.

"Hi Luce!"

"What do you want? There isn't any school today you know?"

"How did you know?"

"I went to eat breakfast and heard the news... I quickly went up and slept again"

"Oh okay, great! So you want to... Go ahem... To the mall?"

Lucy's eyes widened.

"A date? Sweet, sure, no problem! I'd love to go with YOU!"

"Really? Okay, meet me outside after a few minutes"

"Okay bye!"

I hung up and quickly changed up. I scurried down the stairs and waited outside. Lucy came down in a skirt. She was wearing a coat and thermal stockings.

"Come on!" We walked towards the mall and it was really warm inside. No air-con was opened because the wind was so strong it was able to come in. We headed to eat lunch. Lucy ordered a bucket with 20 pieces of buffalo wings. We shared. I ate 7 and Lucy ate 13. Wow! She loves to eat a lot. But she is fit when She wears clothes!

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