Chapter 16

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Natsu P.O.V.

My head is filled with pain... Pain... Pain... What can I do!? Life is so miserable. This is all because of Loke. He planned this all along! For me and Lucy to get mad at each other and break-up! Still, Lucy didn't keep a simple promise, to stay away from Loke and stay with me. I was on my way to the last period class when I spotted Loke. He was leaning on the lockers. He was talking to a group of ladies. Jeez! What kind of guy does that? I stomped my way to class and continued the day. I haven't seen Luce for today. Oh no, what I've said yesterday. She took it seriously! Or maybe I did it? Dismissal arrived finally. On my way to the door, I saw a banner saying:


I quickly ran home and wanted to ask Lucy. I knocked on Mr and Mrs. Heartfilla's door. The door opened and Mrs. Heartfilla was there. She was smiling but bit her lip right after.

"What can I do for you Natsu?" She asked.

"May I speak with Lucy?" I asked.

"Oh dear, she hasn't come down for the whole day. She didn't go to school today and we respect her decision. Shall I call her or should you go up?"

"May I go up?"

"Of course but don't disappoint her please?"

"Of course"

She nodded and welcomed me in. I greeted Mr. Heartfilla good morning and went upstairs. I knocked on a certain door. Obviously, it was Luce's because there was an L on the door. The door opened and Wendy, Lucy's sister was there. I peeked inside and spotted Lucy. She was on her bed. She saw me and quickly approached the door.

"What do you want?" She yelled.

"I just want to talk Luce.."

"There isn't anything to talk about" Lucy cut me off.

She slammed the door. I knocked again and spoke:

"Lucy please! Forget what I have said yesterday!"

"Can't Natsu... Anything you say would be stuck in my head"

Anything you say would be stuck in my head...

That's it! I should ask her for prom then it would be stuck in her head and she decides for it!

"Fine, then how about I ask you out for prom?"

I'm imagining Lucy burning in flames.


"Lucy, it is a yes or no answer"

"Fine, maybe yo"


"Yes and no, you said so"

"No Lucy, only one"

The atmosphere became silent for the moment. Right after, she spoke.

"I can't answer Natsu... You hurt me and now you want us back together?"

"Yes I very much do Luce, I do love you"

"I do to but did you act that you did yesterday?"

I bit my lips. I was speechless. After a while, the door opened. Lucy was peeking through the opening.

"Did you?" Lucy repeated.

"Lucy, I admit it. I didn't act I did. I was jealous alright! Please, I beg of you"

Lucy looked up. She was thinking really well.

"Fine, but here this. Never be jealous of me and Loke talking..."

"About that Luce, I saw many ladies talking to Loke this morning chatting. They were giggling like, gross people..."

Lucy's eyes widened.

"Oh okay then, but I won't take it back since I can still talk to Loke... Deal? And right, you didn't gimme my pizza and bucket of ice cream!"

"But I bought you buffalo wings and cone of ice cream in our date!"

"Fine, that seals it but this deal will stay on... No detours!"


"I will go to prom with you, but in one condition"

"Uh huh,"

"Shop with me on Friday after school,"


"A dress.." She finished.

"Okay, sure, fine but don't take long!" I warned.


She closed her door calmly. I went downstairs and thanked Mr. And Mrs. Heartfilla. I exited the door and went home.

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