Chapter 10

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Natsu P.O.V

Next class started and me and Lucy went to our separate ways. I kinda feel awkward because of the recent rumor of me and Lucy going steady. We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend...yet. We are just buds. Nothing much of proof that we are together. Maybe we always are but it doesn't mean we are becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
Some students say me and Lucy are a pretty cute match. Well, I can't asure that. My next class was sports. When I went to change into my jersey for basketball, the thoughts keep coming up to me. I do have true feelings for Luce but somehow, I can't show my TRUE feelings for her. I have already asked her out... Wait, wait, wait, wait... I asked her out?!
It means we are boyfriend and girlfriend! I can't do anything anymore! Suddenly a ball smacked me on my head since I wasn't listening to what is happening around me. I was unconscious for I don't know how long. Can't say. When I opened my onyx eyes, there was a bright light for a minute then it dispersed. It became students surrounding me. I was on the floor and my head was killing me. 
I sat up and asked:

"What happened?"

"Natsu, you got amnesia or something? What do you think happened to you? Your head was hit by a ball because you weren't doing anything but staring" Gajeel explained.

"Sorry, My mind went somewhere"

"Anyways, get up.. We have a new sport, Dodge ball"

"Oh okay"

Gajeel pulled me up and we had to split into 2 teams. Gajeel was with me so, we weren't against each other. Coach explained:

"Natsu, you are the red's leader... Zeref, you are the blue's leader"

Zeref?! Coach, you made the biggest mistake of your life! 

"Game on!" Coach whistled his whistle.

Zeref threw a ball and he was aiming for me. I dodged it of course but one if my team mates got hit from behind. Of course, they were out! I threw a ball and it hit one of Zeref's teammates. I cheered inside my head and dodged a ball that was an inch near to me. I threw a ball and it hit Zeref. Unfortunately, he didn't get hit. He caught the ball! What kind of guy is he with such instincts? On the other hand, Gajeel was throwing a ball as hard as he can. He hit someone and eventually, that person flew away. The coach ran for the guy's aid and he needed the clinic. I turned to Gajeel and gave him a grin. He grinned back and kept throwing multiple balls at Zeref's team. The class ended and the teams got a tie. I groaned because no matter how you throw a ball at each other. You still get the same thing. Anyways, I headede towards the cafeteria for a snack. I bought a taco filled with delicious meat but I hated the veggies. I threw the veggies and ate the taco whole. I ran to my next class which is Computer. I barged in the lab, like I always do and others. I sat on a random chair with a table and a computer on it. The lab was almost full and Mr. Albert started the class. He talked about the internet and stuff which made the class totally boring. After the discussion, a sudden scene happened. The door was opened by a boy with orange hair. He had glasses and was wearing a jacket. Guess who is he? Who else but Loke! He approached Mr. Albert and pointed to the chair beside me. Loke thanked him and sat beside me. I frowned, dissapointed of the happening. Loke faced me and grinned.

"Hey Natsu, if you won't mind. I' am eating with your girlfriend."

I raged in anger. What kind of question is that?! Is he making fun of me or something? I clenched my fist but calmed down a minute after.

"Sure, no problem. I agreed on that anyways... We live just right beside each other" I said calmly.

"Okay...." Loke frowned a bit but overcomed it. He faced at Mr. Albert and listened attentively. Then one of the activity Mr. Albert that caught my attention was this:

"Class, our main activity is making a love letter to your girlfriend or crush or boyfriend... Interestting eh?"

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed. 

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