Chapter 18

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Natsu P.O.V.

Shopping... Blech! But I have to do what Lucy says since I love her. The day was very tiring. I already readied my own suit for tomorrow. It was black. The pants were black too, also the bow. I would extra spike up my hair so that I would look better. I would wear my black shoes that would match perfectly for my cool suit. Awesome! Now, it is night.

I couldn't sleep because I've been thinking of prom and Lucy. So, I tried to sleep so that I won't have panda eyes tomorrow. When I woke up, I immediately ran to the lavatory. My eyes had slight eye bugs. Dang! Anyways, I would wash up to refreshen. I took a quick bath. After the bath, I felt like a new person. I went to my cabinet to grab my suit. I wore the white polo and folded the collar. I took the bow tie and pinned it on my polo. Next, I wore my pants.

I packed a handkerchief in my pocket. I wore the coat on me right after. I went to the lavatory to check on how I look like. I stared into the mirror. It needs something.... Spike up my hair! I opened the cap of my gel bottle and grabbed 1/4 of a handful of it. I place it on my hair and spiked it up. Great! This is the look I've imagined! I scampered out of the door and wore my shoes. I carried some pocket money in case of emergency. I wore my watch before I headed out of the door. I went to Lucy's home to check if she was ready.

I knocked on the door. After a few to minutes, Mr. Heartfilla opened the door. He had a grumpy look on his face but he had a good but somehow strict personality.

"Hello Natsu, you are looking for Lucy I suppose? She is upstairs, you may proceed"

His english is real deep ya know? I nodded in reply and walked upstairs. I knocked on Lucy's door. It took a moment for her to do so, so I fixed my bow. The door opened and Lucy looked like a goddess. Her hair was in a bun. There were dangling flowers that were clipped on her hair. Her earrings were silver, just like her dresses silver linings. Here shoes made her as tall as me. She spoke:

"Hello Natsu, What do you think?"

"She twirled around and her skirt twirled along.

"Amazingly beautiful" I complimented.

"You look handsome yourself" she said.

I blinked in delight. I was happy to hear her compliment and escorted her down the stairs. Before we headed out for the door, Mrs. Heartfilla came carrying a camera.

"Ooh wait! No one leaves with no photo.." She sing-songed.

Me and Lucy stopped at the living room. We stayed close to each other and smiled.

"1...2...3... Smile!"


She waved at us and she allowed us to go. We smiled and went out. The limo I rented finally came.

"A limo? When did you rent a limo?" Lucy asked.

"Yesterday... Uh, I forgot when... Sorry" I muttered.

"Sweet ride! Let's go Natsu!"

She pulled me in the limousine. When she slid the door open, the air condition was cold. The seats were new and there was provided wine.

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