Chapter 13

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Lucy P.O.V.

Loke is so funny! He would make me laugh out loud! Teehee... I' am so happy to be with him right now.. I wish he had lived beside me like Natsu. I would enjoy it when Loke and Natsu and Me would enjoy friendship. I would update my phone into a walkie talkie and I will tell them to. We would talk in class suspensions and hang-out all the time. When Loke finished his sentence.. I was absent minded completely. He said okay? So I just nodded. I didn't know what he said but probably not anything bad. I waved to Loke and so did he. I went home and fell fast asleep on my bed. This night was the longest night ever. The next morning, it seemed like Natsu was still sleeping. I opened my curtains and saw he is. His back was facing me and he was hugging his pillow. Cute. I took a short bath and changed into my clothes. I wore a mini skirt and a tank top under a denim coat. I grabbed my backpack and sat on my bed. I called Natsu and he answered.

"Finally, a call from you... Why didn't you call after?"

"Sorry, I fell fast asleep"

"Oh.. Anyways, wait for me outside.."

"sure, I' am all set anyways"

I scurried down the stairs and scampered out. I sat on the public bench and crossed my legs. I brought out my book and read "Realm's Gate by F.K.O.D". After a few minutes, Natsu came storming out of his house. He was wearing his favorite blue jacket and denim pants. His bulky bag was slowing him down when the bus came. I pulled him into the bus. I packed my book and sat with him. He was biting his lips as if he wanted to say something. I could actually understand if something was wrong. I tugged his coat and he faced me.

"What is wrong N" I asked.

"N... Nothing" he stammered.

"Natsu" I touched his hand.

I showed that I cared for him as a friend.

"Fine, L please don't be mad at me" he warned.

"sure" I assured him.

"I'm... I'm jealous of Loke with you. As if you were Besties for like a day and now... Super besties.. You couldn't hang out with me today because you promised him you would be with him for a day... Promise ME this time you would stay with me" He explained.

My eyes widened in shock. He was jealous all along? So he did like me. Finally, love that I have dreamt for.

"Oh N, don't worry for me and Loke... Promise!"

I raised my pinky and did a pinky swear with Natsu."

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