Chapter 15

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Lucy P.O.V.

I was on my way to class when I saw Natsu angry. I wanted to approach him but the bell just rang. I just ignored him for once and headed for class. When I arrived, I sat with Levy. She was frowning at me like I did something wrong. She began to speak:

"Natsu is mad at Loke, you know that Lucy... He wants you to fulfill his simple promise"

"Levy, how may I? Loke is so kind to me but probably not to Natsu but anyways why not?"

"I dunno Luce! Natsu likes you, more like love. I' am a person that can tell what are the feelings of another person... Now, you are feeling angry" she proudly said.

Actually, it is true. I' am angry at Natsu. He is so... Argh! Over control to me! We just met recently, though we are besties now but anyways, so what? Besties doesn't mean they can control each other's life! Natsu can be a pain but he never even met Loke. So how can he exactly know what kind of person he is. He is so kind and cute, no offense to Natsu! But anyways... Can't he get over it?

"Yeah Levy, true i' am feeling like that. But Natsu can't control me forever, you know that" I said.

"He isn't Luce, He is very much concerned about you... Can't you see it..."

I looked at the door behind me and spotted Natsu stopping. He looks around and stomps to his class. I sighed and nodded. I thought when I came to this school, I would be the dorkiest-nerd-geek-dumb girl ever. But I was wrong. Everyone respected me. Well, except for Lisanna of course. Because of Natsu, he helped me not become the dorkiest-nerd-geek-dumb girl in school.

"Levy, sometimes I can't say if you' re saying yes or no... But I think it is YO."

YO is like yes and no at the same time. Levy smiled and patted the seat beside her. I sat on the seat and listened to the rest of the day. When it was dismissal, I didn't meet Loke since he didn't tell me so. I walked to the door of the school. I pushed it open and spotted Natsu hugging his legs with his face in between. I couldn't say if he was crying her waiting. I approached him and tugged his jacket. He looked up with a red face. He sniffed and wiped some tears. He stood up and pushed me away.

"Go away Lucy, you promise-breaker!" He shouted.

"Natsu....." I murmured.

"I don't want to see you anymore across my window!" Natsu scampered away. I tried to keep up but I had to stop. I saw him a speck away. I walked the rest of the day. When I arrived at home, I looked up at Natsu's window. The lights were closed and the the curtains were closed. I was lonely when I went up to my room. I didn't want to eat supper so I just fell asleep. The next day, I decided not to go to school. I locked my room's door and brought out some snacks I packed in my drawers. I grabbed a biscuit and bit the biscuit bit by bit. I brought out my book and read it while eating. I opened my curtain a little and saw Natsu's room trashed. The chair was on the floor. Papers were scattered all around. Some books were ripped as well. I rolled my eyes and continued to read. After a while, I checked the clock. I spotted that it was afternoon. Time for lunch. I brought out another biscuit but this time it can make you full. I ate it while I read my book again. I finished my biscuit up and finished the book as well. I jumped into bed into bed and hugged my pillow. I sobbed on my bed. Tears were shed and they fell on my pillow. I never felt this sad in my entire life ever! I suddenly fell asleep, not knowing how long I did. I suddenly woke up when my door knob was turning. I heard Wendy knocking and turning the knob. I sighed and stood up. I opened the door and saw Wendy carrying Charle in her arms.

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