Mission Report I

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Let me start off by saying, I understand why we need all the cloak and dagger, Double-O-Seven, spy games shit, but as a guy who just figured out how to sync his phone with his car, I am often confused. Before I was recruited "Quantum Encryption" was something I only heard of in Star Trek.

But as I said, I understand the need for it. We are fighting against an enemy that can perform billions of calculations faster than I can blink. All the while the same enemy can take whatever form they please, and are capable of creation or destruction in an instant.

Look at me, even on paper I'm rambling, back to the matter at hand.

We arrived shortly before sundown, and quickly ascended to the peak of the mountain. Near the top we saw that blasted dragon and those strange girls, but as you theorized they paid no attention to any of us little old humans. Apparently we don't register as a threat.

The peak was covered in ruins of what appeared to have been a palace, or a museum I don't know or care, that's for the research team to decide. Within the ruins we located a makeshift barracks that contained two sleeping DGs. One began to stir we administered an injection of lead into the cranium. I can sound smart too, eh? Half the team stayed behind to prepare the subjects for transport. Even with a gag we could hear the poor bastard scream as our medics gave an in field amputation, or four. :)

I'm honestly surprised that the sounds did not alert the remaining skeleton crew to our presence.

We made it to the top just in time to witness quite the little show. Apparently old MapQuest had somehow convinced one of his guards to help him escape. The girl had drugged her partner turning him to some kind of drooling zombie (side note: are zombies real?).

Thankfully we got the zombie in down in time (Charlie performed the head shot and the double tap, lucky SOB). The traitorous guard (referred to from now on as DG:VM) we secured, and as instructed have her constantly looking at the big guy. We severed both of her Achilles tendons, ACLs, and for good measure, her Deltoids. Don't worry, the medics stabilized her before we strapped her into that chair. I take it, you watched A Clockwork Orange at some point in your life?

I was skeptical when you explained about the Law of Observation. That, if a DG is not present, then any higher order being can more less go nuclear. I'm still not fully on board with the idea though. We managed to extract information from DG:VM that the big ape swore on that river to never cause her harm. I have taken the liberty to prioritize her survival.

We managed to secure the mountain by the following dawn. By noon most of our defenses were placed, sharp shooters stationed to shoot all incoming wild life, mine fields, automated turrets, and of course your field antennas. And here I thought the days of bunny ears were long gone.

The research teams arrived by nightfall along with the labs and living quarters. Let me tell you, those are some grade-A egg heads you got there, within two hours they managed to isolate a signal or frequency (I'm not a science guy) that can break down the cellular structure of any DG with prolonged exposure. We only had two test subjects to work with, but so far it seems that the DGs without a human mother have more immediate violent effects.

Well that about wraps it up. The egg heads want flesh samples from the big guy, and I am more than happy to oblige.

One last thing though.

When the time comes, I want to be the one to slay that fucking dragon.


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