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It wasn't the first time Percy had woke up in the crushing embrace of the son of Hades. On the contrary, this was about a monthly occurrence now.

Percy just honestly didn't care, Nico felt good against him, and the son of Poseidon passed back out.


Percy had kept his word after Tartarus and had worked to become a better friend; the kind of friend Nico deserved. They were both sons of the big three, they should've been best friends from the start! But between Nico being mislead by Minos and then Hades, Percy had been hesitant to trust the guy. After the fall of Kronos though things had improved between them, at least for awhile anyway. Shortly after Percy's sixteenth birthday Nico had begun to pull away from him.

It made sense looking back now though. He and Annabeth had been in what his mom called the "honeymoon" phase of their relationship, so of course Nico wouldn't have wanted to be around that.

Looking back now, Percy had done nothing to repair his friendship with the young son of Hades. He had been so caught up in everything that was Annabeth that he let Nico slip into the shadows. Uh, metaphorically, that is.

Then quickly followed the headache that was Gaea.

He had "met" Nico at Camp Jupiter, with Percy only knowing his name and Annabeth's. The least the ambassador of Pluto could have done was give him a clue to, well everything.

Dick move bro.

So when Percy had finally regained his memories of course he wanted to throttle the Italian.

The rest of the war had been a repeat of the previous. Percy would lose trust in Nico, Percy would hurt Nico emotionally, etc...

Then Nico had pulled the rug from under Percy's feet when he admitted to having feelings for the son of Poseidon.

He had not seen that coming.

Annabeth claimed she knew, but Percy secretly believed that she was just saying that. And what had that high five been about? He had later asked Nico about it, and he admitted to being as clueless as Percy.

Percy at first was awkward around the son of Nico, and honestly had avoided him until he could come to terms with the revelation. But one day, he manned up, and invited Nico to visit him in New York.

It had been one of best decisions Percy had ever made!

Nico's lack of experience with the mortal world meant Percy had to explain the finer things in life to the Italian: like skateboarding. Or as the time displaced demigod called it: board-skating. It was now his sworn duty to ensure Nico was a well rounded individual!

The first time Nico had visited had been the best though.


They had been in Manhattan one lazy Saturday morning, Percy was taking Nico to try the best Slurpees in the world. It would also be Nico's first Slurpee and Percy was actually a little jealous; how lucky was it that not only was Nico going to try the best Slurpee anywhere, but it was also going to be his first?!

He had been explaining the Do's and Dont's of Slurpee flavors and he had thought the son of Hades was right behind him.

"You never mix the Cola with any fruit flavors," explained the son of Poseidon. "The only exceptions being cherry and blue raspberry. Note I said blue raspberry, red is out of the question. Got that Neeks?"

No response.

"I said, you got that Neeks?"

Nothing. Nico may have hated crowds but he would at least acknowledge the son of Poseidon.

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