Correspondence III

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George you ignorant slut...

I can't believe you didn't come see my new playground with Morgan and the old man. I had soooo much to show you!

Like my newest pet, G:T. Or as I affectionately call him: Terminate-us.

You should see him and the wine guy play together! Sometimes I toss them a DG and let them play tug-of-war with it! It's absolutely adorable! Incredibly blood, but still adorable!

My team and I have so far successfully implanted 65% of the captured DGs with my neural interface and they are currently being used to assist us and to make it look like the nest is still normal. There was a minor issue in the beginning of the guards not allowing any DGs inside, but this was quickly rectified with a software patch.

Repairs and modifications to the nest are well underway and we are almost ready to receive further samples. The state house, coliseum, and the numerous temples will allow us to store more samples than ever before!

Maybe when this is all over we can open a zoo?

Speaking of samples and storage that was pretty fucked up about what happened to Grummore and Pellinore right? All they found of Pellinore was his head and a puddle of blood? Jesus, I can't imagine what could do that to a man. Really sucks that T:A won't talk to us. Him being the only witness and all...

Well, they ain't getting any deader!

Back to business.

I looked over your request and, yeah that seems possible. I know you're disappointed that we can't kill Gs (yet), but what you're suggesting isn't much different than what I did to Terminate-us and the wino. I can whip up some cylinders and a delivery system in... let's say a week?

I really wish you would reconsider your plan though. I know you have a full hate-on for G:AD, but wouldn't it be better if you controlled it like Terminate-us? Think of it, the one thing you hate in this world being forced to do whatever you say. And hey, when you're not using it, just send it to some third world prison and let the inmates run a damn train on it.

After all, from what I've heard it prefers the appearance of a young girl.

Now, did you receive the list I sent you? Feel free to capture more than the numbers I have listed, the old man wants his Fourth of July bash to be one for the history books. After all, the more "fireworks" we got, the larger our display will be.

One last thing!

Remember DG:FM? He's one of the praetors and a shape shifter if that helps to jog your shell-shocked memory. Well the team in Boston managed to snag their own shape shifter as it was trying to escape that crappy hotel. So Rashid and I got to thinking how these things can turn into any animal or creature they want to and we got curious if it was only a cosmetic change or something more. That led us to think about how some creatures are capable of re-growing limbs.

Yeah, you see where this is going.

The first tests were simple, we coaxed them into turning into earth worms, and then cut off a small portion. DG:FM was a trooper and regrew the missing piece in a little over a day, but in a surprise twist the Valkyrie morphed back to her standard form and died on the table.

Yeah, Rashid's team cut off its head like the dumbasses they are.

From that initial experiment we can conclude two things.

DG:FM does a complete transformation and gains all the traits of its new shape.

The Valkyrie merely changes shape and does not gain any abilities or traits.

Exciting stuff right?

Now If you would excuse me, I have to go amputee a limb or two on DG:FM to see if it can regrow them when it changes into an animal form. I love my job!


Ta ta for now!


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