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"Shut that thing off!" Percy cried over the shrill ring of the alarm clock.

Nico groaned as he rolled over and slammed his fist down on the small plastic device, silencing the infernal ringing. He blinked a few times to get his eyes to focus on the harsh green light, and wanted to cry when he saw the time.

"Why did you set an alarm?" Percy groaned as he clutched his Pillow Pet to his head. "We don't have to go to school!"

He swung his legs off the bed and flinched back when his feet unexpectedly touched the cold hardwood floor. Before Jason's sleeping bag had occupied the small space between his and Percy's bed, which had acted as warm barrier between his bare feet and the cold floor. "I wanted to talk to Jason before he leaves for the day," he grumbled, his toes curling.

"And this had to be done at five in the morning?" Percy yawned.

The son of Hades slowly pushed himself out of his bed, the ancient springs groaning seemingly a little louder in the early hours of the morning. "I figured if I bribed him with breakfast he'd be more agreeable."

Percy's head snapped up so fast Nico thought he'd get whiplash. "Breakfast? Just what we talking 'bout here? Bacon? Eggs? Steak?"

He chuckled softly as he sat down on Percy's bed. "When have I ever made steak for breakfast?"

"A man can dream Neeks," the son of Poseidon laughed as he covered Nico's hand with his own. "A man can dream."

"Is that your way of asking me to make you breakfast?" he asked, turning to look at the sea green orbs in the darkness. Even if he ignored the bandages and the new scars the son of Poseidon had received, Percy still looked broken. The son of Poseidon was smiling at him, but there was still a great deal of sadness and pain in his eyes. But he's getting better.

"I wouldn't be against it?" Percy hesitantly asked; cringing back, but keeping one eye open and on him. "If that's okay?"

"I've been making us breakfast since we got here Percy, why would I stop now?" he laughed. "Any requests?"

"Uh? How about something that doesn't require the use of utensils?" he asked looking down at his wrapped hands. Then his eyes lit up and a devilish grin twisted his face. "Unless, you'd be willing to feed me?" he purred, gently massaging Nico's hand.

He yanked his hand out from under Percy's and tried (and failed) to glare at the older boy. "I don't think so..."

Percy threw his head back and laughed deeply. "Like I said: a man can dream."

"And he can keep dreaming," he huffed, but the small smile on his face gave away his true feelings. "How about an egg sandwich?"

"With bacon?" Percy asked, raising one eyebrow.

"With bacon," he smiled as he stood up from the bed.

He was almost to the bedroom door when the son of Poseidon uttered, "Thanks babe."

His heart stopped, then began to hammer almost painfully in his chest as his pale skin flushed. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice a ghost of a whisper as he spun around, eyes wide. What? Did he- That can't be-

"Thanks babe?" the son of Poseidon asked hesitantly, slowly pulling his quilt up to his face. "Look, if you don't want me to call-"

Percy didn't get a chance to finish as a small Italian son of Hades rushed over and slammed their lips together.


He wasn't sure if he walked or somehow floated down the stairs like Jason. His lips were puffy and bruised, his hair was more disheveled than usual, and he was smiling from ear-to-ear; if anyone were to have seen him they would've known something was off about him.

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