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Brian ignored his phone, in favor of examining the corpse Terminate-us had brought him from his little jaunt to South Dakota. It was a pity that the stone slave was unable to bring him back the corpse of the Latina praetor, but DG:VM was proving to be far more interesting than he initially thought.

"Subject's eyes have been burnt away from the inside," he muttered so the overhead mic could record his thoughts. He rotated the severed head in his gloved hands, facing it away from him. He then held out his right hand; Terminate-us handing him a scalpel.

He made a small incision at what could now be considered the base of her neck and frowned underneath his surgical mask. What the... Brian enlarged the incision and pulled the skin apart with his fingers, revealing two separate layers of skin. "DG:VM appears to have two separate epidermises. The outer matches its profile from the first encounter." He cut a piece of the outer skin away and set it in a small silver pan. "The inner epidermis appears-"

Aloud banging on the surgical theatre's door interrupted his chain of thought. "For the love of God! Let me in!" a voice cried over the hammering. He was just about to send Terminate-us to take care of the idiot, when there was a terrified scream followed by one final 'bang'.

And things have a nice way of coming up Brian, he thought with a smirk, returning his attention to his work. "The inner epidermis appears to have several different colorations, and are seemingly seared together, strongly suggesting that much of this is foreign tissue." He cut a piece away and put it in its own pan. "Sample will be shipped off for genetic analysis, but I'm pretty sure I just figured out where our missing staff went," the redhead snickered.

He set his bloody tools aside and replaced the head in its specimen bag, before returning it to cooler. "Still exploring why signatures of T:A radiate from the remains, but at this point in time, it is my professional opinion that this was the result of an improper fusion between T:A and DG:VM. As a reminder, the only other known instance of a T fusing with a DG was between DG:LH and T:K, but collected data is piss-poor at best."

Brian removed his surgical mask and tossed the blood covered thing at Terminate-us' stone chest, the enslaved god catching it with ease. "You know," he hummed as he pushed the cooler into the theatre's freezer, "this makes me curious about what would happen if a DG and a T got it on. Would the offspring be more powerful than its DG parent but less so than the T? In terms of ability would it have access to both of its parents' skill sets? What if one of the parents was like this thing? Does that mean it has a third mother or father? How do the genetics work in that case?" he asked the god, growing more and more excited with each question. This is what he lived for! Exploring the unknown, learning things that no one else ever had or ever will! "Any ideas?"

As usual, the mute god was, well, mute. Shrugging his stone shoulders his only response.

"I don't even know why I talk to you," the engineer sighed, pulling off his latex gloves. "But then again, most people speak without thinking, which is really annoying." He tossed the gloves into the biohazard containment unit and grabbed his phone and security badge from the sterile table. "Alright, let's go check on how things are progressing."

Terminate-us nodded and ripped off the comically tight scrubs he had been wearing; the pieces turning to ash before they hit the ground.

"Don't do that!" he hissed, as he pressed his badge against the RFID reader. "You'll set off the fire system like that!" The heavy stainless-steel door slid open with a hiss from the powerful hidden hydraulics. At first, he frowned at the sight of the mutilated corpse of a Big Apple Island employee crumpled on the floor before him, but then he realized that it was the same asshole who took his parking spot only a few hours earlier. "Karma's a bitch, isn't it?" he laughed as he stepped over the body and into the hall.

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