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Jason almost didn't see the drones in the dark of the night.

He was flying from rooftop to rooftop, making his way to the senate, when no less than a dozen of the aerial units zoomed past his head. Just as the last one was about collide with his head, he let the wind release him, sending him into a freefall only to call on them again just before he impacted the pavement below.

"They must be heading for Demeter and Hades," he muttered to himself as he continued on his way.

Shortly after he, Nico, and Percy decided to split up to look for Hazel, the gods began their attack. Whole streets were shaken to rumble, others were upheaved by massive roots sprouting from the earth. All he could do was watch with a heavy heart as the only home he had known for years crumbled before his eyes. When Hades said they'd provide a distraction, he didn't think they meant leveling his childhood home, but he pressed on.

New Rome could be rebuilt, his friends could not.


He carefully flew in the shadows to avoid being spotted by the mortals that were patrolling the streets. He never thought he would see heavily armed men and women patrolling the streets of New Rome. After all, the city had Terminus to protect everyone. But apparently the god of boundaries had been unable to prevent the city from being taken.

He set down in a small park that overlooked the senate, and carefully crept close to a group of guards that were sitting around small table under a street light. They were all chatting quite loudly and seemed to have their guard down, which was strange considering he could still hear Hades and Demeter leveling street after street.

"God these things are hot as Hell," one of the guards complained as they removed their helmet, setting it on the table.

"You should really keep that on Kev," another said as it flipped the visor on its helmet up. "We are currently under attack."

"Pfft, the egg-heads got that under control," the first guard said, while adjusting a strap on his arm. "The statue and wine guy will handle that."

Statue? Wine guy? Jason inched closer to hear better.

"But what about those skeletons Dagonet reported?" Another guard asked, this one holding its rifle at the ready, their body rigid.

"What about 'em? You heard what happened," the guard hefted up his rifle and gestured towards a small black cylinder that was fixed to the barrel, "one pulse from this and they crumble to dust."

Jason didn't know much about firearms other than what he had learned from comics and television, but he was pretty positive that small cylinder was something he should try to get his hands on. He'd seen that some weapons ad grenade launchers mounted on them, but the thing was way too small.

Pulse? Like a laser?

"Yeah, I guess you're right," one of the guards shrugged. The guard then pulled a small box from a pocket in their bullet proof vest. "Anyone up for a game of Poker?"

As the small group of men and women began to play their card game, Jason watched them closely, looking for any opportunity to steal one of their weapons. All of them had their weapons either slung over their shoulders, or resting on their laps, so it was unlikely he could just reach out and grab one or use the wind to blow one his way.

But what about...

He focused on the barrel of gun of the guard closest to him and ordered a slight wind to circle it. When no one seemed to notice the small whirlwind, he had the winds scoop up a small amount of dirt to add to the vortex. He continued the process for several tense minutes until he was satisfied.

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