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Nico rested his head against the vibrating window of the old beat up truck with his knees tucked against his chest and his hoodie pulled over his hat covered head.

"Are you really that cold?" Jason laughed over the classic rock pouring out of the radio.

"Yeah," he shrugged without looking at the blond.

While it was true that he was cold, he had more important things on his mind. The first and foremost was he was worried about Percy being left on his own while he and Jason went to school. Nico knew his father would be there and he knew he would do his best to take care of Percy, but he just couldn't stop himself from worrying. With Percy practically bed ridden there wasn't much for the son of Poseidon to do outside of his training other than to think.

And being alone with your thoughts is often a terrible, horrifying thing.

He knew deep down that Percy wouldn't harm himself again, but he really didn't want to go home to a depressed son of Poseidon. Not that he was sick or anything of Percy's moods, after all he understood better than anyone what he was going through, it was just that seeing Percy happy made him happy.

And it has always been that way, hasn't it?

The thought actually scared him a little. He was head over heels for the older teen, but he knew Percy didn't feel for him as deeply as he did. Nico's feelings for Percy had been resurrected and were stronger than ever now that they reciprocated, but Percy's feelings for him were at best only a few short months old and most likely laced with uncertainty. He had heard Percy call out for Annabeth in his sleep and in truth it hurt, but he couldn't fault him for that. He still dreamt about Will every night and it still hurt to think about him and he knew it always would.

He just wanted this to last with Percy for as long as possible.

Forever if he was being honest with himself.

But if his eagerness is anything to go by maybe I don't have to worry.

Nico reached up and gently touched the crook of his neck that he was desperately trying to hide from the world.

That bastard!

That morning while Jason was out doing his morning chores, he and Percy took advantage of what was likely to be their only time alone together that day, and well, things got more intense than they (or at least he) had planned. What had started as a series of slow chaste kisses, turned into something primal. Percy had caught Nico's bottom lip with his teeth and gently chewed on it before sucking on it, which drove him absolutely mad with want. He eagerly returned the favor and practically shoved his tongue down Percy's throat, where for the briefest of moments they fought for dominance, but he readily let the older boy take the lead, and enjoyed the salty sweet taste of Percy Jackson.

Then in a burst of speed and power that he hadn't thought Percy capable of in his condition, the older teen flipped the two of them over so that he was on the bed with Percy practically straddling his hips with a predatory gleam in his green eyes. Before he could ask what the son of Poseidon was doing, Percy bent down and began to trail a series of slow, passionate kisses from his jaw to his neck, which completely obliterated his ability to think, let alone speak. When he felt Percy bite down on his neck and start to suck on the sensitive skin, he thought he had died and went straight to the Isle of the Blessed.

He wasn't sure how long it lasted, but when he finally came to his senses, Percy was holding a hand over his mouth while grinning like the Cheshire Cat. In his euphoria he didn't notice how his neck was suddenly sore, instead he sat up and melted into Percy's arms while silently thanking the gods that he was wearing loose fitting pants. Thankfully, Percy had the decency to point out his little possessive marking (because that's what it is) and helped him choose clothing that would help him hide it (this was after Percy insisted he wear his hickey with pride).

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